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Name: nikki06
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My boyfriend and I are in a serious relationship and I care for him deeply. Unfortunately he has been married twice, has four children (2 from each marriage) and has 1 crazy ex-wife. I rarely ever have a problem with his1st ex (they divorced about ten years ago). Although his 2nd wife is INSANE!!! I started seeing my boyfriend right after they filed for divorce (she left him and then asked him for a divorce). Although she left, she did try to get him back but he didn't want to. Shortly after she left , she found out she was 2 months pregnant. They both discussed it and continued to stay separated. After they filed for divorce, I started dating him. I knew about their one son, and the one on the way. I chose to date him anyway. He told me that he didn't want to tell her that he was dating someone because their divorce wasn't final and she was pregnant. She also told him that if she found out he was seeing someone else, then their kids couldn't come to his house because she didn't want them to be around me. She found out about us from someone else a few days after their divorce was final. She threatened to keep their kids away from him and called me telling me they were still married and had been sleeping together through the entire pregnancy and that they aren't getting a divorce (I saw the divorce papers--they were divorced at this time). I went to his house to talk to him because I was upset and I walked in on him and his ex arguing and as soon as she realized who I was, she started punching him and yelling (waking up his other 2 children). I left the room and continued to listen to their argument. She eventually relaxed and apologized to me for her outburst. Although she said that she doesn't have a problem with me--she clearly does. She calls him constantly asking where he is and who he's with and flips out if he doesn't answer. She still sends him chain emails, asks him to look at her myspace and calls him all the time as if they are still married. I know she will never go away but why does she still call him all the time? It's not always about their kids. If I left my ex and found out he was seeing someone else, I would almost never call him. Why does she continue to try and be buddy buddy with him? Why does he condone it? Should I talk to him about it? Or get out now? Please help with any advice!!!
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Name: Susan | Date: Nov 7th, 2007 5:23 PM
Me too, I've been in a serious relationship with a man who was divorced a year before we started dating. now his second wife starting calling and wanting to talk to him about a month ago, and now it is every day and every nite. and it is killing me 

Name: Roller Coaster | Date: Dec 4th, 2007 2:05 AM
I am in just about the same situation. My current guy has an X that still controls him. He seems to be more concerned about pissing her off then me. He will do what ever she asks. He says it is because he doesn't want to argue with her. She rarely calls but when she does it is to say that she can't pick up the kids or won't be there until the next day. When the next day comes she doesn't come until late in the day. He has two kids with her and right after we started dating she had another one...not with him but the baby girl doesn't see her dad and we take her to but the problem is that the X only does this so she can go out and run around. She bad mouths me and tells people that she has made me cry and run to my car and the funny thing is that I have never talked to her. I don't say anything when they are going back and forth. I just look the other way. He has made me second in his life and I feel second and worthless. If I were you I would run and run fast because if this is the way it is now and he continues to respond to her you will be trapped for as long as you stay. The next thing you will know is you will be the nanny and they both will be doing what ever they want. Take it from me it isn't always sunny in CA 

Name: Renea | Date: Jan 21st, 2008 9:32 PM
get counseling. if he loves you he will. if he doesn't then its not meant to be 

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