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Name: Happily Married
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Any advice would really be helpful. My ex and I have two children together. I have been remarried for almost a year now and we all have gotten along great. My ex got remarried two weeks ago to a woman he met two months ago. That wasn't a problem for me. I told him that I wished him the best. We have always gotten along when it came to the children. We have a weird visitation setup but it worked for us. My ex and I were together for 9 years and he has custody of one of his older sons. AR's mom has never been around so I have been the only mother that he has known since he was 8 months old. He is now 11. He was raised with the children that we had together. Now 9 and 6. AR came to my house everyday after school and even spends two nights a week with me since the divorce. Now that my ex has remarried, the new wife is trying to put a stop to it. My ex is no longer allowed to talk to me about when the kids will be with him and what times I am suppose to pick them up and so on. I thought that her and I would get along. Before they got married I even watched her children so that they could go out! They even asked me to watch her children while they went on their honeymoon. I didn't have a problem with that either. Like I said...I wished them the best. Now that they have been married two weeks she has changed. She has told MY children that they have to call her mom now and also said that unless she approves it I can't see AR anymore! She never relies that I called to my ex so I have no way to contact him except through his work and I don't want to get him in trouble with his boss by calling him there. She just told me today that she is going to make out a new visitation schedule for the kids. I know that she can't legally do that but she is getting on my nerves!!! The kids took some toys over there to play with and she sent them back because she said that the kids didn't get to play with anything because they couldn't keep their room clean. When they are with their dad there are 7 children in one small bedroom. Any advice on how to deal with this situation peacefully would be appreciated!
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Name: sarah | Date: Feb 9th, 2012 10:05 PM
Well, now that there is someoen else in the picture, you are getting a little uneasy but, you will have to learn to compromise. Learn to get along. Everything cannot possibly go Your way all the time. Life is full of changes and you'll have to be more flexible. Don't fight in front of the kids or start arguements and hard feelings. Be nice. 

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