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Name: unresolvedissues08
[ Original Post ]
I married a man two years ago and gained a son. Recently our (step) son has been acting out at school, cussing, lieing, and becoming physical w/(biological) mother and father. I warn my husband to take a firm parental role instead of a gentle friend role, but he becomes angry with my thoughts and accuses me of disliking our son. My husband and I have a beautiful daughter a little over 1 year old. My husband will raise his voice to our daughter and threaten to "WHIP" her. My heart is breaking! I don't understand how my husband can be so calm and easy-going when our son acts out, but frustrated and out-of-patience with our daughter. My (step) son has been trying to run our household by throwing fits. My husband bends backwards to give to our son what will consol his fits and becomes angry with me when I won't. I am aggravated with hearing how I can make our son happier. I feel disrespected by our son and that many times our daughter gets neglected in the act of consoling. Furthermore I am scared that our son's violent rages are going to hurt our daughter one day and my husband won't move to stop it. I feel powerless in our home and I don't know what to do.
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