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Name: Brian
[ Original Post ]
Ok, I have 2 daughters. A 5 year old and a 3 year old. She has 1 son, a 7 year old. We were happy until 3 days ago. All of a sudden she wants out. She says that I can stay with her until I get an apartment. I'm sure some of you understand, when I say, I really believe that would be too hard. I burned bridges with my family to make this relationship work. I have nowhere to go. Anyone have any pointers on what the heck I should do now? I just want to run away. I feel so numb. I moved with her away from anyone I know. I have nobody here. My daughters live with their mom. Thank God they don't have to go through this with me. So, all you people out there......Any help? Advice? I sure would appreciate it.
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Name: life's a bitch sometimes | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 11:29 PM
Why does she want out? Is it repairable at all? If not then you just have to go I guess. If you have a job,talk to some people at work and maybe somebody there can lend you a helping hand somehow until you can get your own place. It wouldn't hurt for you to call your family and tell them what's happened,they may surprise you and be delighted that it's over and help you come back home again,it's worth a try at least. One thing's for sure though and that is,you can't make someone love you that doesn't anymore so leave the woman who no longer wants you around behind and try to make better choices in the future,good luck to ya! 

Name: Layne | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 3:45 PM
mend your fence with your family. sounds like she is the reason for the problems with them. maybe they saw something in her you are realizing now. im sure they would help you. at least try. 

Name: atomic snowflake | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 11:49 AM
Put her over you knee and spank her very hard. After that take her out for a Macdonalds and tell her that she's lucky to have you and she should put all these silly thoughts out of her head! 

Name: Borox | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 10:21 AM
Has she met someone else? 

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