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Name: Jen
[ Original Post ]
I have a son that is 9yrs old. I divorced his father when he was 3yrs old. It was a very abusive relationship. To sum it all up. My ex has been married 3 times. He caused his second wife to miscarry and she left him. Well he remarried again and has been married this time for almost two years. I remarried when my son was four and have been married for 6yrs and have a daughter with my husband now. Well my son is having serious behavorial problems at school. He had honor roll when we got his last report card and his teacher called me today and told me his grades have dropped to D's. She wanted to know if there were any problems at home, I explained to her that there were not any. My son sees his dad beat his new step mom and she denies all of it. On Christmas Day she called the police on him but, they didnt arrest him. My son had to watch all of it and I was not contacted. Anyway she works at my sons school. She has two other children but her son moved in with his dad because of all the fighting. They tell my son that if he comes home and tells me anything that they will tear his butt up. She has the school thinking they are role models of the year. My son brought home his cell phone from there house lastnight and it had filthy vulgar ring tones on it. My son is 9! I want to go to the school and tell them everything that is going on but, I am scared for my son. My ex is nuts! HE PULLED A GUN on his own mom last year. Can someone please help me. I want to get my child help and out of this situation but, no one will listen!!
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