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Name: lynnca
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i'm a mother of 4 kids going throgh divorce. my ex is in jail should i take my kids to see him they ask all the time about there dad. we remain friends for the sake of our kids i don't think jail is a good place for my kids but he'll be there for about 4or 5 years.what is best for my kids. i no they love there dad but what is the right thing to do please help.
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Name: Lizzi | Date: Jan 21st, 2007 2:34 PM
IF he is their BIOLOGICAL father then maybe you can take them once in awhile to see him OR if you really prefer not to then only allow phone conversations and letters. IF he is NOT their biological father then don't take them there at all....ever! 

Name: tweetybird4 | Date: Jan 22nd, 2007 5:04 AM
Hi Lynnca---Gosh, this is a tough decision. Well, I would think being totally honest and up front with them is your best choice. If they truly want to see him make sure you sit them and explain things to them the best way you know how to. Perhaps you can have them correspond with him for awhile just to see how things go. I'm sure while he's in there, he will be thinking of them often. Plus, I'm sure it's extremely hard on them not having their father around. However, despite what he's done, they still do love him and you can't blame them for it. Maybe you could speak a psychologists opinion. I'm sorry if I couldn't offer you much help. I guess, if I was in your shoes and the children asked me to see him, I probably would take them. At least the ones that are old enough to understand what it may be like going there to see him. I'm sorry your experiencing this and I do hope things work out for the best for all of you. Feel free to keep us posted on how things do turn out for you. Take care! 

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