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Name: mommy4
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I have 3 kids with my ex husband. 5,7, and 9. He has never been consistent in taking them every other weekend,which is what the court gave him Only when he feels like it. He has began to use a belt as a form a discipline on them in the past year. He sent them home last weekend bacause he said he didnt have food to feed them bacause his check was garnished for child support for me. The kids have mixed feeling, one minute they want to go the next they dont. My 9 yr old daughter she doesnt want to go if he's going to hit her. I cant control what is done to my kids when he has them. Im scared of NOT letting them go bacause it is a court order for him to be allowed to have them every other weekend. He is $16,500 behind in child support,just had 2 kids with another woman,whom he left,and moved in next door to me with my lady neighbor.Idont know what to do. Idont want to be held in contempt of court. Or is that difficult for him to even do?Please tell me what you think / know.
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Name: ally murphy | Date: Dec 13th, 2006 1:11 PM
Im not a parent but my mum and dad split up when i was 7.
I didn't see him for over a year then when i was 12 i moved with him and at 18 i moved back to my mums.
Me bein the child would say let your children make up their own minds.
My dad used to beat me to and i hated it the english police did nothing and one lady said i would do it to my children.

If their dad is doing this then try and limit his days he sees them but let the kids make their own minds up about their dad.

I now know that my dad was a waste of space and time and i feel very sorry for any child that goes through the same thing.
Try and get the police invovled of social services.

Good luck.

Name: Lizzi | Date: Dec 13th, 2006 2:47 PM
So he is living next to you now? How uncomfortable! I think I'd move! I'm glad he sent the kids back home when he had no food,that was the right thing to do. Maybe him being right next door isn't so bad because you can have better view of what's going on with your kids and they and you are right there if you need each other. Every other week-end is just 4 nights out of a month and you said he doesn't always take them like clock work anyway so as far as visitation goes,I don't think you have that much to worry about. Just tell the kids to be good and do what they are told so he doesn't get mad enough to spank them. I'm glad they live with you and not him! I bet they are too!! 

Name: Courtwinner | Date: Dec 13th, 2006 6:31 PM
Get your children immediately to a counselor, if income tight go to county mental health, they have counselors that specialize in children. These counslelors will draw out of the children what's going on. They document, they hotline, the testify in your children's behalf. Let the state take over, with the counselor on the side of the children that is documentation when going to court. When this comes out in therapy with the children and those documents are submitted to family services by the childrens therapist the state will put a stop to his visitation and take him to court. He does not have the right to touch his children like this. Call Dr. Phil, get him on the show! Get as much publicity as you can. 

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