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Name: Angela
[ Original Post ]
Well ladies, I'm 33 weeks and I sure as heck feel like it. This insomnia is annoying. And I swell up like crazy sitting here on the computer but there's not much else to do.

Anyone else getting to the point where you're just ready for this kid to come? I can't believe I have another 6 or so weeks of this! Good news is that I am officially on maternity leave so I don't have to worry about heading in to work.
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Name: Tan | Date: May 8th, 2006 12:46 PM
i'm 34 weeks but i'm still working full time, its hard with the insomnia but i try to have a nap after work! I'm trying to stay active- mowing grass and working around the house but it does take a toll on my back thats for sure. I'm really excited but i'm also scared for the baby to come I have 6 weeks to go yet so that still is a while. my husband is working 7 days a weeks so i have to do all the household work and that really sucks 

Name: Brandy | Date: May 8th, 2006 8:19 PM
I am 37 weeks and ready to get the home c-section kit. The do it yourselfer! LoL. I am up every 2 to 2 1/2 hours in the night just to pee. That's not including the times I wake up to move or deal with my other child. He is 4 and already getting jealous. Taking all the stuff out of the baby's room and refussing to sleep in his bed. He has to sleep with me at all times. He has been in his own bed since he was 1 1/2! I think I can deal somewhat with the exhaustion but the stress is killing me. 

Name: Alicia | Date: May 8th, 2006 8:43 PM
Hello all! Im 32 weeks and I woke up at 4:00 in the morning and could not go back to sleep. I work 40 hrs a week so this really bites! Im also eager to get this baby out though on the other hand im not quite ready. I go on maternity leave in 4 weeks. Its taking forever. Have any of you set up your cribs yet and washed clothing and packed your bags for the hospital? Also, have you decided what medication you'll be using if needed? I now I want some but I just dont know what yet. 

Name: Crystal | Date: May 9th, 2006 3:37 AM
I am a little over 31 weeks. my worst problem has been the heartburn and my back. it KILLS me. i have tried the pillows under my legs, heating pads, tylenol. none of it works. i have a daughter who is almost 5, and my back nerver hurt when i carried her. i'm having a girl again, and i don't think i'm THAT huge. my back hurts so bad it keeps me from falling asleep and moving around. and as often as i get up to pee, (which is very often), i feel like satan himself is keeping me pinned down. i cannot lie flat on my back at all. i have to be one my side, and even that is uncomfortable. does anyone else have this problem, and if so, what to you do to ease the pain? thanks..... 

Name: To Crystal | Date: May 9th, 2006 4:52 AM
What I do is sleep on the couch. I put 2 regular size pillows under my head, 2 throw pillows behind me.. one right behind my back and one towards my butt. Then I have a regular size pillow folded bewteen my legs and then I cuddle a pillow. Seems to work for me. The back of the couch adds that extra support you can't get in a bed. IF the hubby don't like it tell him to sleep on a hardass floor for a while and see how it feels. Then multiply that by 5 and that's what it feel like for you to sleep every night. 

Name: Rox | Date: May 9th, 2006 6:59 AM
I don't know if this will help any of you. I am at 35 weeks and I have bought one of those elastic belts that goes under your belly and around your back. It helps me get around during the day. I was getting lack of sleep due to RLS but I stopped almost all of my caffine in take and that went away. I work 40 + hours a week, I'm in the military, and I still run around in my combat boots. I'm only telling you ladies to say I know some of the pain you are going through. I am stubborn about wearing tennis shoes. Anyway the belt has helped ALOT. 

Name: Angela | Date: May 9th, 2006 4:33 PM
Sounds like all of us are experiencing the same type of aches and pains.

In regards to sleeping at night. I try not to drink too much before I go to bed to reduce my trips to the bathroom but I still average 2 times a night.

For the back pain, I too am suffering. I find that sleeping on the couch every second night switches it up for me. I can also pack pillows behind my back to prop myself up so that I can avoid laying on my side which gives me achy hips. After a night or two on the couch though, I need to head to the bed to change things up. I usually toss and turn every hour from left to right side as my back and hips are always aching. It's just not a lot of fun.

I feel for you ladies who are still working. I was working 40 hrs/week up until this week and I'm enjoying the time off. Sitting at work all day was taking a toll on my back and giving me headaches. Now I can nap and lay down whenever I need to.

The cooking and chores take me so much longer now though. My shins and lower back start aching as soon as I'm up for 5 minutes at a time. I have to make dinner in steps so that I can sit down at the table for a few minutes in between.

My fiancee has been a really big help though. He gets me whatever I bug him for and is always making sure I'm comfortable. That helps.

Last night I had terrible cramps that I felt mostly in my lower back. They were very similar to menstrual cramps except for where I felt them and they got so bad for about 10-15 min. that I thought I was going to vomit. After about 30 minutes they disappeared but I have an appt. on Thursday I'm going to ask my Doctor about them. I was on my feet a lot yesterday running around so I think that may have brought them on. 

Name: Crystal | Date: May 10th, 2006 3:19 AM
thanks for the advice. and Rox, oddly enough, i was in the army my entire 1st pregnancy, and i wore my jump boots everyday, and i was fine! now that i am out, usually barefeet, it is horrible. i tried that pregnancy belt, but it hasn't worked. i'm going to try the pillows on the couch thing, and maybe that will help. my husband is no help. he works 14-16 hour days, (he's a recruiter in philly, (yuck!)), so as soon as he walks in, he's zonked out. hopefully the pillows on the couch will work. i'm tempted to go and buy a la-z-boy! i've had occasional "period cramps" too. AND, i have been feeling nauseous from time to time. i haven't actually thrown up, but sometimes i feel like if i did, i'd feel better. my doc told me that i was just having braxton-hicks, but it's scary because i don't know what real labor feels like either. good luck to all you soon to be mommies!!! 

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