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Name: sweet tomorrow
[ Original Post ]
My doctor spoke of giving my twins a medication at 32-34 to fully develope their lungs. I may have Preeclampsia. But how long after that medications do the actually induce the labor for you to give birth
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Name: Randi | Date: Feb 6th, 2007 1:54 AM
They usually do that for pre labour don't they? They would still probably wait until at least 36-37 weeks so your babies would be full term. 

Name: nicole miller | Date: Feb 6th, 2007 4:52 AM
I already answered this in messenger.. but just so everyone else can read:

They can only administer the medication once, usually a week before labor is expected (if time allows of course). Usually doctors are hesitant to give it unless they know for sure you'll deliver early... but in your case a scheduled induction due to preeclampsia, the doctor's will know exactly when to give it. It's a steroid, and I believe it's called surfactant.

Just a side note - surfactant is the greasy substance already found in a full term baby's lungs that insures that they do not stick together (which would make them collapse) while breathing out. 

Name: automansgirl | Date: Feb 6th, 2007 6:20 AM
My sister-in-law had a rare condition while pregnant with my niece. They gave her the steroids around 32.5-33 weeks. They induced her at 34 weeks. Other than being 3lbs at birth the baby was perfectly healthy! She didn't even need oxygen! She just had to be bottle fed the first couple of weeks. They let her go home at 2 weeks even though she was only just over 4lbs! Sorry to hear about the preeclampsia. I hope the best for you and the babies! 

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