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Name: briseis
[ Original Post ]
I've been discussing abortion with a friend. In the UK, abortion is legal up to 24 weeks. And was wondering what everyone's perspective is on the argument, and if their perspective has been affected by pregnancy.

Argument One:
Human life begins when the woman's egg is fertilised by a male sperm. From that moment a unique life begins, independent of the life of the mother and father. The features that distinguish us from our parents - the colour of our eyes, the shape of our face - are all laid down in the genetic code that comes into existence then. Each new life that begins at this point is not a potential human being but a human being with potential. For this reason abortion at any stage is equivalent to murder.

Argument Two:
Women have a moral right to decide what to do with their bodies, therefore the right to abortion is vital for gender equality. For this reason, adoption cannot be considered the alternative to abortion, as it forces the women to undergo 9 months of pregnancy with an unwanted child, and the mental tumoil that goes with it. At any rate the right to abortion is vital for individual women to achieve their full potential therefore banning abortion puts women at risk by forcing them to use illegal abortionists, which many women would do if abortion were made illegal. The right to abortion should be part of a portfolio of pregnancy rights that enables women to make a truly free choice whether to end a pregnancy. This argument reminds us that even in the abortion debate we should regard the woman as a person and not just as a container for the foetus. We should therefore give great consideration to her rights and needs as well as those of the unborn.

Argument Three: There should be more of a middle ground to the use of abortion, permitting it to be used only in certain circumstances, and not as freely as it is used.
eg During the First Trimester only
If the feotus will have a birth defect
If the mother's health will be affected
If the pregnancy occursed as a result of rape
If the mother is a minor
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Name: dmt | Date: Apr 6th, 2007 5:16 PM
Are you pregnant? 

Name: soon2bmommy | Date: Apr 6th, 2007 5:24 PM
I agree with argument 3. I don't think abortions are right. I think if the mother doesn't want children she should use protection. If being pregnant is the result of irresponsibility, she shouldn't be allowed to end a life. The only times abortion should be permitted (in my opinion) are the ones mentioned in #3. But not necessarily if the mother is a minor. If she is mature enough to have sex, she is mature enough to deal with the consequences. There are plenty of families in America that are unable to have children. It just isnt right for people to be killing babies when they could let them live and make someone else's family happy. 

Name: briseis | Date: Apr 6th, 2007 5:38 PM
Yes. 18 weeks. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Apr 6th, 2007 6:50 PM
number 3. but the mother is a minor thing, not so much. if you're old enough to spread those legs, and have some fun, take some responsibility, even if you do give up the kid for adoption, maybe next time they'll think 

Name: Marti | Date: Apr 6th, 2007 7:10 PM
Number three. Sex can lead to babies. If you don't want babies, don't have sex or at least use protection. 

Name: Marti | Date: Apr 6th, 2007 7:10 PM
and I agree with coart on the mother as a minor thing... 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Apr 6th, 2007 7:42 PM
I think abortion should only be allowed if carrying and/or delivering the baby will harm the mothers health. Even if the child will have a birth defect it can still have a happy life, and besides... the tests are not 100% foolproof to determine defect... a healthy "normal" baby could be aborted accidentally. Rape is a horrendous thing to have to experience and I am sure getting pregnant because of it would make it even harder, but I don't believe that is grounds for abortion. If that woman doesn't want the baby, there are so many couples wanting to adopt. I see abortion as murdering a baby... it is not birth control! 

Name: hazelsweetp | Date: Apr 6th, 2007 8:30 PM
I had a tubial(sp) pregnancy that they had to remove, I have always consider that an abortion and recently had to say goodbye to another baby a few months ago because I was 7 weeks pregnant and my Cancer would have killed the baby and me both so they removed both ...both were very hard to deal with it and looking back on it, I think even with it being medical it hard to live with the thought that I agree to make that choice...looking at my two children that I have now I would have rather died than do anything close to abortion...but I think women should have the medical choice as far as life or death but Abortion isn't birth control or a mistake fixer 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Apr 8th, 2007 2:11 AM
Number 1. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Apr 8th, 2007 3:33 AM
I am in the minority in that I believe it is a woman's choice regardless of her reasons. I was going to have an abortion, but my fiance and I decided that it wasn't the right thing to do in our situation. I love my daughter w/ all my heart, but that doesn't mean b/c abortion wasn't right for me that I should shove my beliefs on others. I think it becomes a "slippery"slope when we allow the government to regulate our reproductive right when pro-life advocates always cite the bible as one of the main reasons against abortion. Do I believe that an abortion is a sin? Yes I do and that why I didn't have one...but who am I to tell another woman with a different belief system to abide by what I believe is right. God gave us free will and although I'm sure he doesn't agree in abortion; he DID give us the option to makes choices. 

Name: krystinakoleen | Date: Apr 8th, 2007 7:24 PM
None of the above...In Michigan they allow abortion up to 24 weeks, and i think its ridiculous, i was twin at 22 weeks, and they could have survive, they were born alive and so to think of someone killing their baby at that stage is just diqusting to me. And i think the only situation that an abortion is ok, is if there is medical evidence that both the mother and the fetus will die. No good can come if it. Honestly, i would give my life for my baby, if some one told me i would die durin delivery or something. As long as the baby would be ok. And if there is rape etc. there is adoption, why should a baby die because of a previous terrible act?? I consider it murder, i am prochoice, i don't think i have the right to tell someone what to do with their body but i don't agree with it..After having my sons die in my arms i don't understand why anyone would kill their baby. And i've known alot of people who have had abortions and about a month later they regret with every fiber of their being....i just think its bad...a bad idea all around. 

Name: PReciosa | Date: Apr 10th, 2007 1:29 PM
I am not for it. It is a life no matter what. 

Name: dmt | Date: Apr 10th, 2007 1:38 PM
Are you considering abortion? Are you in the UK too. 

Name: briseis | Date: Apr 10th, 2007 1:40 PM
No I'm not considering abortion. I was just keen to hear everyone's perspective on the issue. 

Name: briseis | Date: Apr 10th, 2007 1:40 PM
I'm from Northern Ireland 

Name: briseis | Date: Apr 10th, 2007 1:46 PM
I take it you live in the UK DMT? If so, where? 

Name: tubbybubble | Date: Apr 10th, 2007 2:27 PM
i STONGLY disagree with abortion. that thought has never crossed my mind when i found out i was pregnant. i don't even think if i was raped and got pregnant i could give my baby up for adoption (no offense to anyone)...i have such a soft heart when it comes to that issue. 

Name: DaneseS | Date: Apr 10th, 2007 2:33 PM
i say #3...but i dont like the whole if the mother is a minor thing for the same reason as coart and if the fetus will have birth defects...why is it ok to kill someone because they have defects..thats horrible 

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