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Name: shan
[ Original Post ]
Hey everyone! It's my first pregnancy and I'm just starting my 8th week, due date Sept. 14. I'm 25 and super excited, and constantly wondering if everything is going like it's suppose to. Would love to hear what other people are feeling and share stories.
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Name: Christina F | Date: Feb 2nd, 2006 6:29 PM
Hello, This is my first pregnancy too. I'm about 11 weeks farther along than you, but I'd love to tell you anything you want to know. 

Name: angela2 | Date: Feb 2nd, 2006 6:31 PM
Hey shan!! My name is Angela. I am 33 weeks. I remember the 8 week mark. When I was eight weeks. I just remember being inpatient to feel my baby move, sickness, and I couldnt wait until I had my baby bump!! 

Name: shan | Date: Feb 2nd, 2006 6:35 PM
Thanks for the quick replies. That's exactly how I feel, just so anxious to hear a heartbeat, get a pooch, whatever, just to know that the baby is healthy. I go for my first trimester screening on March 3, so I'll get my first ultrasound. Can't wait! My husband thinks I'm ridiculous b/c I'm always worrying. I even worry when it hurts a little when I sneeze...ridiculous! But I try to let the happiness outweigh the worries. 

Name: Christina F | Date: Feb 2nd, 2006 6:44 PM
To tell you the truth, I was one of the lucky ones who didn't experience any morning sickness so I was about 2 1/2 months pregnant before I found out I was pregnant. Now I'm at 19 weeks and for the past 4 days, I feel her move everyday. It's amazing how it just happens one day. It feels like little flutters. I'm surprized that you don't go to the doctor until march. My doctors different I guess. I've had two ultrasounds already (the second one though was to determine how far along I am because at the first one my doc discovered I was a month off on guessing when my last period was) and now I go back on Feb 23 (but probably just to discuss what the sonographer discovered) and I have been worried here and there. The weirdest thing to me is that at the begining, I kept getting the feeling down there like I was going to start my period and then it just never did. I don't know what that was all about. And my breast are only sore at night. And more so after I've been asleep for awhile. 

Name: shan | Date: Feb 2nd, 2006 6:51 PM
I can't wait to be in the stage where you are. I still have nausea, although it's subsided a little. I can't call it morning sickness b/c it comes throughout the day, especially if my stomach starts to get empty. My boobs hurt especially after sleeping; I have major food aversions; and I'm bloated all the time. But none of the fun stuff yet. But yeah, my doctor only does the ultrasounds once between 11 and 13 weeks and then again at 20 weeks, unless something comes up. I actually think I'm further along than they think, because I was sick and had no sex the week I supposedly conceived and I usually have a good idea when I ovulate and am almost positive it was the week prior. 

Name: Sam | Date: Feb 2nd, 2006 7:06 PM
I too am 8 weeks pregnant. I am due Sept 12th. I am 30 and kind of feel like I am losing symptoms a little bi! I never had any morning sickness and tired a little bit here and there. i have seen the babies heart beat though! It was amazing. This is also my first pregnancy! 

Name: Christina F | Date: Feb 2nd, 2006 7:36 PM
Yeah I forgot to put that in. I did get a little naseated from time to time but that was before I started having breakfast every morning. I usually always start the day off with some good cereal. If I eat then I feel great. And the tiredness goes away too if you take all your vitamins. The iron I guess is what helps and remember to take that with orange juice and never milk because calcuim somehow gets in the way with the iron absorbing. Right now I'm pooped!! I've been trying to go through the clothes that I'm not gonna wear for awhile. It looks like my living room was hit by a clothes tornado lol. Yeah, we weren't really expecting to have a little one right now and we're pressed for space in a one bedroom apartment which isn't even big enough for me and my bf cause we just have too much stuff!!! I got about 5 months to try and let go of some things that I just don't need though. I'm keeping my cats though ; ) 

Name: Irene | Date: Feb 3rd, 2006 12:14 PM
hi everyone, im 7weeks pregnant and im due september 16, this is my 4th pregnacy and im still nervous as if it is my 1st time, maybe cause i know what to expect.... 

Name: justine | Date: Feb 3rd, 2006 5:19 PM
hi im 16 with my firdt baby and im also due in september. ill be 2 months on the 8 of this month 

Name: Leah* | Date: Feb 3rd, 2006 6:30 PM
I am due late August. Only 10 weeks going on 11 tomorrow...it has been difficult so far. I hope you are having an easy pregnancy to date. 

Name: shan | Date: Feb 3rd, 2006 7:08 PM
What difficulties are people experiencing? It's always nice to know you aren't alone. Mine so far are being tired and nauseated, skin which is usually clear has been breaking out a little more, and I've been bloated with gas pains. The bloating and gas pains always seem to hit the worst around 5pm, not sure why. Sore boobs too, but that doesn't bother me so much. 

Name: Steph | Date: Feb 4th, 2006 3:08 AM
I just found out I am pregnant today, I am due in Sept, 

Name: Angela2 | Date: Feb 4th, 2006 3:14 AM
Congrats steph!! Did you get an ultrasound? Did everything show a healthy baby? 

Name: Steph | Date: Feb 4th, 2006 5:14 PM
to angela 2 I didn't get a ultrasound yet but I do know that I am 7or 8 weeks along. I was sick at 5 weeks with my son last time and throwng everything but the sink on that one all the way thru. I only have a never ending headache and heartburn (slight) with this one. What is the big brother big sister program about?? 

Name: Irene | Date: Feb 5th, 2006 11:01 AM
Hi shan and everyone else,
im suffering with all day sickness, nauseas, tired, sleepy, gone off eating, when i do eat its usually bland foods, foods i normally wouldnt eat...
i just hope morning sickness goes away soon 

Name: Lindsay | Date: Feb 5th, 2006 10:27 PM

I just found out I am pregnant on Friday. Looks like we'll be due early-mid October. It was a complete surprise for us, so I'd love to share stories! 

Name: Ashley | Date: Feb 6th, 2006 12:26 AM
Hi I'm due september 29th w/ my 2nd child, and i'm just as excited as if it was my first I'm 21 years old and would love to answer any questions that you might have. 

Name: Michele | Date: Feb 6th, 2006 3:29 PM
My due date is Sept. 2nd 

Name: shan | Date: Feb 6th, 2006 4:06 PM
Oh man, this weekend I ate two slices of pizza for dinner and about a half hour afterwards had the worst pain in my stomach for about 15 minutes. I don't know if it was the grease or what, but I felt like I had to be hunched over or sitting and could barely walk. It felt like when you run and get a pain in your side, only it was in the middle but higher than where my uterus would be. Anyone else ever have anything like this? They went away and didn't come back, so I figured I didn't need to call the doctor. 

Name: *Leah | Date: Feb 6th, 2006 5:50 PM
I have pains like that all the time. It isn't only when I eat greasy foods though. It is like I can't digest anything anymore. It is horrible. I get pains to the point that I want to cry sometimes....other times it just feels like my insides are stretching.I can't wait til I get past the 12 week mark because things are SUPPOSED to get easier....I have to take metamucil to help me go to the washroom because I won't go for days, but then when I do finally go--it hurts so much, so now my doctor has prescribed "Colace" for me to take to soften everything up. Is anyone else experiencing this? 

Name: Chris | Date: Feb 6th, 2006 5:53 PM
Leah, sorry to hear about the tough time your having. I had really bad morning sickness that stayed for almost 5 months, but never had the other problem. Colace is what they give you after you have your baby though, it's just a stool softener. Hope it helps. 

Name: shan | Date: Feb 6th, 2006 6:02 PM
Leah, I can't imagine pain like that all the time. I hope it gets better. But I do think the pains had something to do with my stomach being too full. How far along are you? I'm in my eighth week, going on nine. 

Name: *Leah | Date: Feb 6th, 2006 7:14 PM
Eleven weeks and two days right now......I am definitely feeling better though since I have been taking Colace. I was worried because I read somewhere that you shouldn't take it when pregnant--but my doctor said that it is fine. And it certainly has helped me out. I was spotting everytime I strained to go to the washroom because it hurt so much.....then I would worry the rest of the day that I was miscarrying! I am pretty sure now though that it was just the straining.....Thanks for all your concern. I feel like I have no one to talk to. Everyone says "I never felt any pain"......and I feel like it is just me. 

Name: Ashley | Date: Feb 7th, 2006 2:19 AM
You know i feel like i can't stop eating i literally wake up at like 7 am and my stomach hurts i'm so hungry. I am only 7 wks and look like i'm at the end of my 3rd month just in my stomach, luckily the weight hasn't gone to my butt yet!!! I know they say watch what you eat but i'm starving. My mother in law has been joking theres two in there. 

Name: Kelly | Date: Apr 22nd, 2006 11:14 PM
Hey I'm pregnant with my first child due Sept 28th , 2006, would love to hear how your pregnancy is going my baby crowd journal is Babydinenna 

Name: Kandis | Date: May 10th, 2006 6:14 PM
I am due September 17th! :) A day before my birthday (18th)!!
This is also my 2nd...I have a 3 year old son.

Good Luck to all of you!

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