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Name: Amanda Sue
[ Original Post ]
Im due sept 8th and it would be just nice to talk to someone around there my bf works nights and sometimes i just really need someone to talk to about things and he's not around so i figured this way could sorta help! thanks
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Name: amie | Date: Jul 27th, 2005 1:49 AM
hi there amanda i'm due on the 5th of september with my second, do you know what you are having? Is this your first? I haave a son who turns 4 on the 13th of august and am expecting another boy. My belly feels like its about to explode. How's your pregnancy been? 

Name: Amanda Sue | Date: Jul 27th, 2005 2:05 PM
Yes i'm having a girl,and it is my first. My pregnancy has been great actully lately i've been feeling just kind of sick sometimes but never actually do get sick. I'm so ready for the day to come i have everything prepared and ready just no baby to put everything to use with! How has yours been? 

Name: amie | Date: Jul 27th, 2005 11:04 PM
i had the same problem through the first trimester i always felt sick but never actually was and i could never eat dinner or even smell dinner cooking. but thes last 2 trimesters have been good. I have everything ready aswell and i'm starting to get scared. my labour with my first son was only 4 hours long and it wasm't painful at all, i only had 5 mins of the gas for pain relief. I'm scared this time i will have a long painful labour. My son was 7lb15oz but i'm no where near as big with this one? How is the movement going in the tummy mine never stops and is in routine to gets the hiccups alot aswell. By the way I'm from Queensland Australia....and you? 

Name: Amanda Sue | Date: Jul 28th, 2005 12:49 AM
The movement is pretty frequent. Never noticed the hiccups funny you asked cuz an old friend i seen today asked the same thing. I'm terrified i'm young thats why but, more or less just want no complications like baby turning breach or getting stuck. ya know the usual worries. she's been head down for the past four weeks so ya know it'd be nice if it'd stay that way. I'm from Wisconsin in the US. How is the weather for you over there? 

Name: amie | Date: Jul 28th, 2005 3:26 AM
head down already thats a sign you could go early! they usually engage at about 36 weeks which is how far i am now so i'm getting a little worried cause he's still turning around alot and isn't fully engaged yet (head down and in position). Once their engaged though they usually stay that way and if they turn back around the dr's most of the time will try and turn them by pushing on your belly to make them turn. My baby is pushing up into my lungs alot causing me to constantly be out of breath. Thats getting a little annoying cause one minute i will just be sitting there watching t.v then he;ll push up and i feel like i have just ran a marathon. You said you were young? How old are you? I was 17 when i fell with my first son and had him at 18. The weather here is pretty good considering we are in the middle of winter its only cold at night and warm through the day. Me and my partner enjoy watching my belly at night thats when he's really active and you see a heel or elbow press against my belly? Do you find yourself going into her room lots just looking around? I think i have re-arranged his room like 5 times and all his clothes and blankets and stuff have been washed at least twice. have you got your bags packed ready to go yet? I have a note pinned to the fridge for my partner with the hospitals number and what time to use the main entrance and what time he has to use the emergancy enrtance when its time for the big event. But right up the top I have "PETE TAKE A BREATH, CALM DOWN NOW FOLLOW THESE STEPS" 

Name: Amanda Sue | Date: Jul 28th, 2005 9:31 PM
Yeah i'm 17 and will be when she comes. i don't have the lung issue i have the lets press our feet under the ribs...not fun. at night she is most active also. yea i find myself looking thro everything and the diaper bag is packed with two outfits not sure which one we want to wear home yet and diapers wipe, pacifiers and that good stuff. i havent' packed yet cuz i just haven't i keep saying i should put together some stuff just incase for the hospital stay but...i just can't bring myself to believe the reason that i have to do that. it's all so real but unbelievable.... 

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