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Name: Angela
[ Original Post ]
Ok so here's the deal. I'm 33 weeks pregnant tomorrow and last night I was sitting on the computer when I had some slight cramping in my lower abdomen for a minute or two. A little while later I had the sudden urge to pee so bad I got up to take off to the bathroom and as soon as I stood up, the baby felt different. I noticed right away that she felt really low and I had a harder time sitting down on the toilet since my belly pushed against my legs.

Afterwards I asked my hubby if he noticed a difference and he said my belly looks a little lower...I can no longer feel her way up high. She was basically pushing into my ribcage just the other day and now it feels like she's a couple inches lower. I actually slept more comfortably last night.

Does this sound like the baby dropping? Is it not too early for this to be happening at the end of my 32nd week? I'm just waiting for a call back from my Doctor but any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
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Name: Denise | Date: May 3rd, 2006 3:06 PM
First babies tend to drop before labor, sometimes as much as 6 weeks before. On the other hand second,third... babies tend to drop during active labor. Good luck 

Name: Angela | Date: May 3rd, 2006 4:26 PM
My hubby asked his buddy at work about it and he told him that his wife noticed their baby drop 3 months before her due date. And he was born a month and a half premature and already weighed 8lbs. lol 

Name: Melissa | Date: May 3rd, 2006 4:36 PM
I'm 37 weeks today and my baby dropped at about the same time. I did start having braxton hick contractions after she dropped though. but I don't think you have anything to worry about. Good luck! 

Name: CAMERON SMITH | Date: May 3rd, 2006 4:43 PM

Name: Angela | Date: May 3rd, 2006 6:41 PM
Thanks for that reassurance Melissa. I don't think it's anything to worry about either...I'm pretty sure that's what is supposed to happen at this time it's just so crazy! She's coming! Makes things so much more real. I think I've had Braxton Hicks contractions once so far and that was a couple weeks ago so maybe I will start to get them more now.

Anyway, I'll have to wait to talk to my Doctor next week at my appointment because she isn't returning my call...big surprise. :P 

Name: jenn | Date: May 3rd, 2006 8:09 PM
when my baby dropped i couldnt see my belly button as much anymore. 

Name: Angela | Date: May 3rd, 2006 9:26 PM
I can still see my belly button. lol Although I've had a hard time getting a good look for a while now. She's just much lower and I've noticed it's causing me some stomache pains including gas and diarrhea. Charming...I know. :P 

Name: Jill | Date: May 4th, 2006 5:05 PM
Angela, you may know all ready but diarrhea is a sign of your body cleaning out for delivery. I would get ready. Congrats too! I start wk 35 tommorrow. 

Name: Angela | Date: May 4th, 2006 7:57 PM
Jill...don't say that! lol...it's too soon. I read that diarrhea can occur when getting ready to go into labour but I chose to semi-ignore that. lol I'm only 33 weeks...it's too soon! Besides, today my tummy feels fine and so do I asides from a slight headache.

How are you feeling at week 35? 

Name: jenn | Date: May 5th, 2006 3:16 PM
well i have had diarreah the whole pregnancy.... better than constipation if you ask me!!!!
but now that shes dropped, i dont have long i can hold it... i have to find a bathroom immediatelly!
one day last week i left home feeling fine and pulled onto the highway and AS SOON as i did that i had to go AT ONCE and uturned back to my house and it was all i could do to run-waddle to the toilet... i so almost didnt make it! i guess with all that pressure in your groin it makes it almost impossible to hold.... for me it hasnt been a sign of labor. 

Name: Angela | Date: May 5th, 2006 7:54 PM
Jenn, I know exactly what you are talking about. Although I haven't had much for diarrhea since that one day...I have about 2.5 seconds before I crap myself! lol Thank God today is my last day of work and I'll be at home or at my parents for the rest of the pregnancy. If I feel it coming on I gotta make a mad dash to the bathroom and I barely make it. lol...kinda embarrassing. 

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