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Name: Danny
[ Original Post ]
I am 25 years old and pregnant with my seconf child. I had my first son at age 22 and he weighed 9 pounds!! I am a pretty small person, I only gained 25 lbs in the pregnancy. I am so nervous because I have heard that each baby gets bigger. So what, will this one be 12 pounds?!!! haha. As long as he is healthy (I am having another boy) I guess its all good. But im just curious if any of of you mommies had a big baby, and if your second one was bigger. Thanks!
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Name: Fiona | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 10:36 AM
Both my babies were 9lbs. The don't necessarily get bigger with each pregnancy - just try to eat healthily. 

Name: Irene | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 10:44 AM
Lol, mine were all so small,
1st was 5.5 ounces, 2nd 5.6 ounces
and 3rd was 6.6 ounces,
now preggo with no 4, we'll have to wait and see in 6 months,
i had smallest babies in ward, but im very petite person,I dont know if that makes a difference 

Name: Michaelerenae | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 4:58 PM
my second baby was 11lbs9oz. then my 3rd was 10 3 and my 4th was 10 4. so relax. there is a chance it won't be as big. who knows. God luck 

Name: Danny | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 5:12 PM
Wow 11 pounds 9 oz! crazy. that is exactly how big my brother was.......my mom had gestational diabetes with him. I was a 9 pound baby. big babies must run in the family. 

Name: nora | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 8:01 PM
oh good god... 11lbs 9 oz???

What did you did girl to have such big babies? WOW!
and i thought Regina, my oldest sister's first daugher at 8lbs 4oz was huge.. lol her second daughter was almost the same weight.. Celina weighed in at 8lbs and 2oz.. lol not far off from her sissy..

I have a feeling my little one is going to be big too because my ob said i have a 5mo fetus the size of a 6mo old... oi! but we think it's because i'm 5'7 and dad's 6'3... (god i dont want my kid to be taller than me!! lol)

Anyway before is start rambling... it sounds like it all goes into family genetics too (??) .. me and my siblings were big babies when we were born.. my other sister's son, Brennan was almost 8lbs himself.. and then of course my oldest sister's girls... 

Name: nora - to irene | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 8:02 PM
Dont forget.. the greatest things come in small packages ;o) 

Name: sonia | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 8:12 PM
They say that the size of your babies will be similar to your mother in laws did she have big babies? Mine were 7.6, 6.7, 7.7, and 8.6, that last one was a bit bigger but I also went a week over. 

Name: Danny | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 11:24 PM
MY mother-in-law had huge babies. Thanks a lot Elaine!!! haha. I asked and my dad weighed 9.5 pounds. Good hell i'm gonna rip in two :( 

Name: sonia | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 11:28 PM
Danny you will be fine your body was designed perfectly to give birth even if you are a small person your hips spread during delievery so don't stress baby will come out fine and so will you 

Name: jenn | Date: Mar 14th, 2006 1:54 AM
mine will be big for sure i was small when i was born but i am almost 6 ft tall and the father is relatively tall for a latino... my doctor says my baby will get too big but i think hes full of it. i keep reading that weight gain doesnt have that much to do with baby size unless there is gestational diabetes... 

Name: Irene | Date: Mar 14th, 2006 4:51 AM
aww thanks Nora :-) 

Name: Danny | Date: Mar 14th, 2006 8:04 PM
I dont think weight gain determines the size of the baby. I gained only 25lbs my first pregnancy...my baby was 9 pounds. My cousin who was prego the same time as me gained 80 pounds and had a 6 pound baby. so weird huh? 

Name: sonia | Date: Mar 14th, 2006 8:06 PM
you are right weight gain doesn't have much to do with it however not gaining enough or malnutrition can be a problem 

Name: Jessica | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 3:54 AM
I had a 10lbs 2 oz baby boy and I gained a total of 56lbs my entire pregnancy! I definetly hope my next isn't that big!! 

Name: Chris R. | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 7:13 PM
Thank goodness I'm not alone! Did anyone have a C-section or did you guys do a vaginal birth too? I'm nervous about getting pregnant with #2 in case they do get bigger but my Dr. said they don't necessarily do that. My friend had a 9 pounder with no episiotomy but my baby was over 10 pounds and ripped completely through.I hope it isn't true, Danny keep us posted. 

Name: sonia | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 7:15 PM
c- section for big baby is the biggest lie Dr. tell us. It is not true. 

Name: Danny | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 7:19 PM
I did not have a c-section. I had to get an episiotomy and it hurt for so long after I had my baby. It has started to hurt again, maybe because im pregnant and am gaining weight so its puts more pressure down there. I have asked my doctor to induce me a week early, and he has agreed he will as long as all looks good. (my first baby was a week late) So we will see! I'm not due for a while though. Man...who decided pregnancy needed to be 9 months long??!! 

Name: Chris R | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:28 PM
Danny, I get what you are saying, mine still hurts, I tore through the episiotomy and completely through to my rectum. It took almost as long for them to sew me up as it did for me to push my son out. (Not to scare anyone, it's not that common but it does happen.) I'm not pregnant yet but my Dr. sent me to a physical thereapist because she wanted to make sure I was doing okay before I tried for #2. Sonia, don't get what you're saying about C-Section?! 

Name: Danny | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:35 PM
So does your episiotomy get sore during or after sex sometimes? Mine does. I'm afraid my sex life after this pregnancy is gonna go kapoot! 

Name: Chris R | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:40 PM
Yes, sex is a bit more painful and there are times that I just figure it's not worth it. I know that sounds bad. It also hurts to squat down, and touching it, like when the Dr. was checking it, hurts too. I was told that there's probably some nerve damage and that about a year after you have given birth you should be as good as you will get. So the pregnancy puts pressure on it huh? Ouch, I hope it gets better. 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:44 PM
I had my first baby three years ago.......still hurts down there. Nerve damage huh? I wonder if thats what happened to me. Ya pregnancy is such a blast!!!! I just want the baby, not all this trouble ya know?!! 

Name: Chris R | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:48 PM
I know, my son is 2 1/2. I still have issues with sneezing too, pressure incontinence. That and the pain is why my Dr. sent me to a physical therapist. It's not that fun, but it helped a lot, at least with the incontinence. As for the pain, I keep hoping it goes away. Pregnancy is so wonderful but the birth really takes it's toll on you. Glad to know I'm not the only one struggling. I have a friend that was having sex 4 weeks after her first baby- took me 5 months! Did you have an episiotomy or tear too? I'm hoping that with my next one I won't need one. 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:51 PM
i think i tore and got an episiotomy. I was so nieve, I didnt even ask questions at the time. I just went with the flow of it. Ya we didnt have sex for probablly 2 months after my first baby was born. even then it wasnt the funnest sex ive ever had! 

Name: InfamousMommie | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:53 PM
Is it possible for a 9 or bigger pound baby to come out of that hole?? I cant imagine. There telling me mine is gonna be around 9 pounds and im due in 2 days. 

Name: Chris R | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:57 PM
Yep, it's possible to have a 9 poundre, mine was over 10 and there's even bigger ones on here too! I'm glad my Dr. did the episiotomy, but I tore too. Unfortunately, they didn't know my baby was going to be big, he was so active and kept turning at the end, they thought 7 pounds- when the head began to come out they realized he was going to be big. I went with the flow too, I guess you just never now what's going to happen. It was cool to watch him come out though... 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:03 PM
I though it looked gross! so much came out i was amazed it was all in me. I wonder how this labor and delivery is going to be. hope it goes good! 

Name: Chris R | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:13 PM
Kristin, did you get a mirror? They didn't have any at the hospital, I was surprised! I didn't want to watch at first, but I could see the baby through my Dr.'s face guard so I couldn't see it all, maybe that was for the better! I hope your next delivery goes great too! At least you won't have to push as much and probably won't need as many stitches if any. 

Name: krisitn | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:20 PM
There was a mirror...but I tried not to look a whole lot! It was kinda like driving by a car accident and not knowing if you wanted to see that or not ya know?! I just saw the big gush at the end...holy cow....so much 

Name: Chris R | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:34 PM
OMG that's so funny and true! I think that's how my husband put it, he even said I had stuff shooting out of me. I'm so glad they didn't have a mirror, maybe that's why! Are you going to watch again? I'm freaked out, but now I'm curious too for when I go through it again. 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:42 PM
I have seen women on t.v. that pull the baby out of themselves onto there belly's...im not into that I jst want it to get it out of me, then I want to get cleaned up, then I want a baby handed to me. haha.....sounds so easy...... 

Name: Chris R | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:56 PM
Me too! I love my baby but I did not try to pull him onto my belly after he was born, there's so much stuff, I know that it doesn't sound very motherly of me. Maybe with #2, but I really didn't mind them cleaning him up first! 

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