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Name: HappyEndings07
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I have been working on making a birth plan every site i visit suggest new things to add to the list. My main Question Is what was important that you wished the DR. or Hospital did diffrent or things you liked that I might be able to add to my list. Any suggestions would be helpful I feel so lost with this issue but I have been told it would be helpful by my DR. he wants to make this a good experience.
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Name: Randi | Date: Feb 8th, 2007 12:45 AM
I didn't have a birth plan really. The only thing I wanted was to breastfeed right away. I ended up having a c section, but the one thing I would say for my next child, is to say no to the monitor they stuck on my sons head when the broke my water. I was in induced labour and to get a more accurate heart rate reading they screwed this little thing onto his head. I had no idea that was what they did until they tried to remove it and the wire broke and it the screw was stuck on his head. They took it off after they cut him out of me and he still has a scar from it. I was very pissed that they didn't tell me what they were doing. If I could go back i think I would have been more specific in answering the questions my hospital asked me. I just did not realize that "more extensive monitoring" meant something that caused my baby pain.

I was also glad I said yes to a delivery room with a shower. I spent most of my labour until they hooked me up to the drip, in the shower. It helped me deal with my contractions. 

Name: Meagan | Date: Feb 8th, 2007 12:45 AM
well with my first pregnancy I didn't add much to my birth plan.. seeing as it was my first and didn't know what to expect.. But this time around i want to stay mobile for as long as possible.. I want to walk around, have showers, try different positions... Also I'll be writing on there for my partner to cut the cord.. As I had an emergancy c-sect with my first and there was no time for my partner to cut the cord... Good luck with you plan!... 

Name: missmara | Date: Feb 8th, 2007 12:56 AM
I had a birth plan, but my labor and delivery was nothing close to what I had planned out, in great detail, ahead of time! But - what I did request was to have no pain meds, be mobile, I requested a bathtub but they didn't have a room with one available, I asked that once the baby was born they wait to give her the vitamin k shot and the eye ointment until after I nursed her, and I wanted to nurse her right away. One thing that was great is they brought me one of those birthing balls to sit on, but once they started Pitocin I was stuck in the bed until I delivered. Another thing that I really liked is my doctor used some kind of oil and massaged it onto the baby's head when she started to crown, and she also massaged my perineum (sp?) so that I didn't need an episiotemy, and I barely tore at all (1 stitch was needed). Good luck! 

Name: HappyEndings07 | Date: Feb 8th, 2007 2:11 AM
Thanks for the responses I know that everything can't and sometimes should not be as i wish if something goes hay wire. I just don't know what to expect this is my first baby. I am so sorry Randi that they left a scar on your baby. I will be sure to add not to do that unless it's a MUST. I do know my Hopsital offers a jacuzzi/whirlpoolbut they only have one room with it so I just hope I get there first or i'll be trying to kick another prego out. LOL 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Feb 8th, 2007 4:14 AM
Randi- They did the same thing to my daughter with they internal monitoring. I didn't know what they meant either. She wound up with two scratches and two scabs on her head for like 2 months! I felt so bad when I saw her little head. I didn't know thats what they meant. Never again! She has a little scar on her head now (she's 4 months) but she's finally growing some hair so it's less noticeable. 

Name: Kyra | Date: Feb 8th, 2007 6:15 AM
Not sure how old you are but when I had my first baby I was 20, married, prepared but had piercings and pink hair and I had the worst experience with the nurses. I had my baby at 9:30pm and once I was wheeled to my room the bitchy nurse told my husband that he HAD to leave (30 mins after having his daughter) because visiting hours were over. We complied but they ended up giving my baby a bottle during the night which lead to her never breastfeeding and I was sooooo pissed. Make sure that someone is there with you to 'lay a heavy foot'
I didn't have a written birthplan but felt very mistreated and belittled by the nurses because of my age and appearence.
BE STRONG and clear. For nurses you are just 'another new mother' make sure you (or someone for you) speaks your mind!
hope that helps! 

Name: bmes | Date: Feb 8th, 2007 6:36 AM
Kyra said something that kinda triggered my memory about something. I don't know what the policies are there, but if you can try and have the baby room-in with you. At our hospital, rooming in was what normally happens, but you can request for the nurses to take the baby for a few hours in the night to let you rest. They told me it'll let me get some better rest, and when it's time to feed baby they'll bring her to me. But I couldn't do it...she never left my room. lol..... 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Feb 8th, 2007 8:32 AM
Yeah....you make your birth plan....write it all down....get used to it.....then watch ALL your plans go haywire when the day comes....lmao

BIRTHPLAN.....Give me a break! Is there really such a thing?!?! 

Name: jaxjos | Date: Feb 8th, 2007 11:52 AM
I didn't bother making a birth plan, i knew what i wanted in my head, but labour and birth is so unpredictable, most of the time it doesn't go according to plan. Kyra, I can't believe they gave your baby a bottle without your permisson, that is so wrong! I had my baby at 7pm and was in my room by 10pm and my husband stayed with me, they didn't make him leave (thankgod). I had to wait for the epidural to wear off before i could walk to my room, but that first night, my baby spent it in the nursery so i could rest and when she was hungry at 1.30am, they buzzed my room to go and breastfeed her there. It's not right that they did not ask u what u wanted 

Name: tubbybubble | Date: Feb 8th, 2007 1:19 PM
lol hiddy...haha.
i think everyone has their thoughts on how they would like to deliver their baby, and some go as expected, while others, do not. i had a plan with my first one...well, that was a bomb. this one...just as long as i can make it to the hospital and the doctor is there...haha..that's my plan!!! 

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