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Name: Brit
[ Original Post ]
I was just wondering when you ladys began lactating. I know some women start during pregnancy but I thought most started after!..... Let me know!
And Also... When was the first time you felt a contraction??? I felt one a couple of nights ago...at exactly 20 weeks I think!....I described it to my mom..and she said thats what it was...and that right now is usually when it starts although ..some women dont feel them until the last few weeks....Let me know how these things have happend with you ladies(moms)! ..Thanks!...
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Name: to Brit | Date: Dec 29th, 2005 2:34 AM
I am 28 weeks and just this week noticed some colostrum. As far as the contraction I have been a few since about 25 weeks as long as they aren't regular don't worry. Good Luck 

Name: Chris | Date: Dec 29th, 2005 3:32 PM
I started with the braxton hicks before I even felt my baby move. (Just before 16 weeks, felt the baby a few days later.) I described it to my Dr. and even had one while I was there (thankfully). She said it's normal to get them early especially in a first pregnancy because your body is just getting ready. Mostly came on when I was moving around too fast or too much. I also noticed them a lot at the end when I was on my feet a lot. I also had a very active baby and sometimes I think that brought it on. They don't mean labor though, so don't worry. Also, I didn't lactate until a few days after my baby was born, but I have a friend that started to leak a few months away from her due date. 

Name: nicky | Date: Dec 30th, 2005 8:03 AM
i'm 31 weeks and still haven't had one braxon hicks. and not leaking anything. 

Name: Brit | Date: Dec 31st, 2005 4:11 PM
Thanks a bunch! I know the contractions are normal as long as they arent regular! I just wanted to see how everyone elses bodys were behaving on these subjects (hehe)
Thank you ladies! 

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