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Name: Christina
[ Original Post ]
I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me, I am 16 weeks pregnant with my first child, and at my last doc visit I was told I had lost 5 lbs and that I shouldn't be loosing any weight. I hardly eat, and i'm extreamly emotional. When I was younger I had told myself not to eat food and that it was bad (I was 16 at the time, now 24) and that was so I could loose weight. I have that same mindset back and when I try to eat food I just can't, i'll feel really guilty about what I ate or i'll become extreamly self concious and emotional. I don't know what to do, I can sometimes manage to get something small down just for the sake of the baby...but it's rare. Can someone help?
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Name: A | Date: May 5th, 2006 1:35 AM
I'm going through the exact same thing. I'm 21 and prego w/ my 1st. I've suffered with EDs since I was 12. I just don't want to eat. I've lost weight also, but then again I'm only in my 1st trimester. I'm sooo scared to get fat, it's like I can't concern myself w/ the baby. How many calories do you eat a day? You're supposed to eat like 1800-2000, but there's no way I could eat that much. I hope that you arew able to conquer some of your issues. Have you discussed your issues w/ the Dr.? Don't be ashamed to tell anyone. My Fiancee knows how hard it is for me, but he's more concerned for the baby. I dont know what to do either. Keep us informed. 

Name: Christina | Date: May 5th, 2006 2:29 PM
HI A, I'm not sure how many calories I ate, somtimes i'll eat something but then i'll go for a walk or light jogg to burn it off...I want to eat so the baby will be healthy but there's times when just the thought of food makes me so sick to my stomache. I won't eat anything after 4 usually cuz I am more active during the day so it'll be burned off by the evening. I go next wednesday to talk to my doctors so i'll mention it then. I want to eat for my baby's sake, I just can't. I also don't want to gain alot of weight, i've tried my whole life to be somewhat skinny and my worst part is my stomache i've never been able to get it flat and i'm scared now that i'm prego that I never will, unless I have surgery. I don't know what's wrong with me. 

Name: Chris R | Date: May 5th, 2006 3:07 PM
I don't have the same problem as you, so I really can't say much, but I did lose 15 lbs. in the first trimester with my son. They started to get concerned but I was able to gain weight after the sickness, gained 23 lbs. overall (which netted 8 lbs. gain after I put back the 15 lost) Anyway, I understand worrying about your body because you work so hard to keep it up, I lost my weight within 2 weeks of giving birth and actually lost even more after that from nursing. The hard part is not losing hte weight, just do lots of sit ups to pull your tummy muscles back. Don't worry thinking you have to gain a ton of weight, my Dr. said 20 is about right. You do get bigger, but it's not fat, it's baby. Just eat really healthy, I would snack on Slim Fast bars instead of candy bars when I would crave chocolate, for instance. Have a healthy pregnancy, take care of yourself. 

Name: Christina | Date: May 5th, 2006 8:05 PM
Hey Chris R. Thanks for the tips. I've been gettin sick during this pregnancy, when i was around 10 weeks or so I got really sick and didn't eat much at all for a week except fruit and juices and water. I just recently got over a bad throat infection which I didn't eat much for another week either and most foods i eat are all fruits and veggies which have mostly water and not a lot of nutritional value to them...but then when I eat a big meal or if i crave a burger or somethin and i have it, i feel really horrible after I eat it.
I've been trying to drink that Carnation Instant Breakfast 1-2 times a day for added nutrition. 

Name: Chris R | Date: May 5th, 2006 8:22 PM
See, you are making an effort! I drank lots of Slim Fast after my nausea too because I didn't have an appetite yet. When it did kick in though, I couldn't stop it, I had to eat or I would feel sick. I know it's different for you, but at least you are trying for your baby, just talk to your Dr. if you can so they are aware and can help you. Most of the weight you gain is going to be your baby anyway, and you will lose it when you are done. Just make sure you take care of yourself and eat, it's good for you and baby! 

Name: Christina | Date: May 5th, 2006 9:25 PM
It's safe to drink slim-fast while your pregnant? I used to drink it when I was trying to loose weight, but I guess cuz it's a meal replacement it's ok right? I should try it, there's problably alot more nutrients in that then in carnation instant breakfast. Can you give me any tips or any ideas as what I could eat that's not too heavy? I usually eat alot of snack foods...as i can't stomache a large meal. I'd appreciate any ideas...I want my baby to be healthy and get nurishment. 

Name: Chris R | Date: May 5th, 2006 10:27 PM
I did it becuase my Dr. suggested it till I could eat more. I did eat meals in between though, don't just stick to Slim Fast, but it's a good healthy snack. I toss fruit in it and ice too and make a thick shake. It's so good and you get calcium from the milk (I don't use Skim though) and you get fruit servings in there too. It's best to eat a bunch of small meals, I can't eat big ones either, not with my first one and not even now with this one. Just make sure you are getting foods that are good for you. I'm sure the Carnation is good too. Just don't make that your only meal, make it more of a snack or eat fruit with it to make it a good breakfast. 

Name: Christina | Date: May 9th, 2006 12:28 AM
Hey, thanks for all ther afvice Chris R. I really appreciate it. I've been working on it and my eating habbits are gettin alil better, however I just don't have an appetite though and it's hard to eat when you're not hungry. I finally bought a bunch of snacking foods and stuff to help me out..so hopefully things will get better, thanks again. 

Name: christal | Date: May 9th, 2006 1:26 AM
just remember its not fat your putting on its essential baby weight you need the extra kilo/cal for your bub to be big strong and healthy think of the baby and eat for the baby it needs it! even if you have to force that food down just eat small meals 2-3 hours apart to keep energy levels up or atleast try! goodluck 

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