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Name: dusk_angel
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So.. I am an excited mommie, that is 9 weeks pregnant, and expecting June 24. I have a very good relationship with my b/friend of 4 years. I had fully expected him to be as much into this pregnancy as I am... but he isn't touching the preg. books I got, and he seemed annoyed about my fatigue in the past weeks, as if it was in my head more than anything!! His attitude at times pissed me off slightly, but yesterday, I suggested he read some of the books I got, and he said, "Why? I'M not pregnant." This response really upset me. How can I get this daddy more involved... will he become more into the pregnancy once I am farther along and he can SEE my tummy... or what kind of books would be good for a man's man like him to read w/o giving up on them??? Anyone?
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Name: Bec | Date: Nov 24th, 2005 4:52 AM
In my experience (am pregnant with my third) some men (my hubby for one!) cannot grasp the concept of a baby growing inside you until they see actual evidence - like ultrasound, hearing the hearbeat, feeling baby kicking! Don't be dejected that your boyfriend isn't as "into" this pregnancy as you are - it doesn't mean he loves this little baby any less, he is most probably just finding it hard to connect to what is going on inside you! Of course you can connect because the baby is growing in you - the connection started at conception!! Once he sees that little bub for the first time he will be completely mesmerised and it will be the most incredible thing in the world to him! If you can, try to give him a little space to digest exactly what is going on - I promise you he will start to get a excited once he sees the "proof" of your love!! Good luck and I hope you feel a better as time goes on! 

Name: michelle c | Date: Nov 24th, 2005 10:46 AM
I had the same experience when I got pregnant for the first time with my bf's baby. I thought he would share in my excitment with me. but at first it didnt seem like he was interested at all. Once I had my first ultrasound he changed. His face lit up when he saw his little boy moving around inside me. He still wouldnt read any of the pregnancy books though.. but he felt my tummy all time to feel the baby move and the day the baby was born I think he cried more than the baby. lol. he was so happy. So, I'm sure once you get further along it will become more real to him. He is probably just new to all of this and is not sure what to make of it all. Just wait til he sees that precious little one on the ultrasound screen.. It should hit him then. Good luck, take care!!!! 

Name: Pat | Date: Nov 30th, 2005 8:35 PM
My husband was the same way when I first got pregnant. He was happy that I was pregnant, but he got irritated at times because I was tired or sick or didn't want to have sex. My nerves were shot already and him acting like that made it worse. I sat him down and explained to him that pregnancy takes its toll on a woman's body and it does make her more tired and sick and all. Your bf may not get real involved until he SEES your growing little belly or feels the baby kick for the first time. Have you had your 1st ultrasound or had the doctor listen to the baby's heartbeat? If not, make sure your bf is there with you so he can share in the experience. That is when my husband got a lot better with the pregnancy. I guess reality finally hit him that I was really pregnant. Good luck with your pregnancy and take care of yourself. Drink plenty of water (it helps with stretch marks and nausea). Have a healthy diet. God Bless!!!!!!!!! 

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