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Name: Joni
[ Original Post ]
I don't know if it's my hormones or what but I don't feel like my boyfriend likes me. I finally have a whole weekend off and he has plans. We do live together but I thought it would be nice to spend a weekend together and he is busy. It really hurts my feeling what to do?
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Name: Kelly | Date: Jan 7th, 2006 3:30 AM
I feel that way all the time. It's hard being in a relationship. You constantly have to worry about giving the person space, but then again not too much space. If you and your boyfriend live together it may just be that he doesn't want to spend every minute with you and that's not a bad thing. He may just need some time to himself or with his other friends. I always expected and still do sometimes my boyfriend to spend every second he wasn't working with me. You can't do that, it just drives them away. Tell him how you feel and that your concerned. I'm sure he will understand! 

Name: heather | Date: Jan 7th, 2006 5:05 AM
ive been feeling that way lately. i wrote my fiance a note (though we live together) because he's been putting everything before me lately. He spent the whole day with me after reading that note and it made me feel better. I mean, the next day things went back, he was on the computer when dinner was ready and all that other stuff, but when he sees how upset i get, he trys to do something about it. i think you should express how you feel towards him. but as kelly said, give him space. I still let my fiance go out with his friends, but there is a day out of the week at least that he understands i want to us. one day feels like a lifetime to me, so enjoy it. dont cry about it and make a big scene though, calmly talk to him or get through to him someway. I plucked my fiances eyebrows (lol..sounds feminist but he doesnt like a bush =D) and when he was laying on my lap, i brought it up but first i asked him what he think i needed to change and what i have improved on since we've been together. start the conversation off about what he thinks and then give him your opinion. 

Name: Sara D. | Date: Jan 7th, 2006 6:14 AM
Joni--I think that all of us pregnant women feel that way! I sometimes sit back and think of these men--and they kinda have it hard. They are still the same as they usually are and we are the ones with the OUT of control hormones that are making us feel this way! I know exactly how you all feel.....I had it really bad with my other two pregnancies. This one--I am just going with the flow and when I start to get really upset about it--I have to remind myself that it is really me for the most part. (unless they are really being different then they usually are, like going out more then they used to) It really is a hard thing to deal with.
There are alot of us out here who are feeling the SAME way you are! 

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