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Name: Christina
[ Original Post ]
well I'm 34 weeks pregnant and had just went to the doctor. I told him how my feet were really puffy and my hands too and he just said that it was normal and to try and limit salt and prop up my feet. So I was telling my mom how I can press my finger on my foot and an indent is left for awhile. She started to tell me to cut out all salt because she said it would make my amniotic fluid poison and it could make the baby retarted and not live that long (she says she know's of a woman this happened too).
Now I was under the impression that all of us pregnant women eventually get a little puffy especially twards the end. She claims that it's our fault. I just want some opinions on what you think of this. I do go to the doctor again on monday and will ask him but I'm just curious on your imput. Thanks!
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Name: jenn | Date: May 10th, 2006 12:46 PM
dont listen to your mom cause that sounds like a bunch of old wives tales but if you are THAT puffy you might need to be monitored in a hospital in bedrest cause i saw a woman on discovery health that was that puffy and she was being monitored for strokes and seizures, preeclampsia.
if you got puffier maybe you should call your doctor and tell him or get your blood pressure checked. 

Name: Fiona | Date: May 10th, 2006 12:56 PM
It's perfectly normal to get this - especially towards the end of pregnancy.

If you begin to feel ill or develop a severe headache then go back to your midwife or doctor. Keep a good check on your blood pressure and you'll be fine.

Your amniotic fluid won't become poisoned!!!

What your mother has probably heard about is saline abortions where the doctor injects saline into the womb in order to abort the baby! Pure saline is poison, but during pregnancy this can't possibly happen so don't worry! 

Name: Christina | Date: May 10th, 2006 3:15 PM
Oh thankx! I thought it was normal. I had just went to the doctor on monday and had even told him that I was really puffy. I get my blood pressure checked every time I go and my urine and he said he would have been able to tell if I had toximia / preeclampsia. So I wasn't really worried. He said to keep my feet up and that was pretty much it. 

Name: just me | Date: May 10th, 2006 7:14 PM
that indent is called "pitting edema" they usually consider how bad it is on a scale of 1 to 4 depending on how deep you can make that indent. Most pregnant women swell slightly and raising your legs is best. How is your blood pressure? if it isn't high then you have nothing to worry about. the people that have problems with swelling are people with high blood pressure as well 

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