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Name: Angela
[ Original Post ]
I don't want to make my fiance out to be an uncaring jerk or anything because he's far from that but last night we were driving home from my parents when a tow truck driver pulled up on our ass. He was following very closely at a high speed and flashing his high beams at us. Just an overall dink. Anyway, my fiance got pissed right off and slammed on the brakes to 'show him' or whatever macho thing that accomplishes. I screamed at him "I'm in the car and I'm pregnant, what the hell is wrong with you?!?" and he automatically cowered down and pulled onto a side street.

The jolt from him slamming on the breaks startled me and scared me a little in regards to hurting our baby so I started bawling. Anyway, suffice to say I've made him feel like crap all day about it...anyone else have troubles like this?
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Name: Carrie | Date: May 4th, 2006 8:43 PM
yea! a guy was sitting in the car next to us and was trying to race us. then started yealling hey hot stufff why wont u leave him and come to big daddy....lol he got pissed and ended up fighting him when the guy got out of the car to come over to me at a red light!!! I cryed a little told him it scaredme (even though it didn't it kinda made me fell safe!!) but he said sorry and told me he was doing what he thought was right!! guys are sweet in their own way...lol 

Name: Angela | Date: May 4th, 2006 8:54 PM
heh, interesting story Carrie. I wasn't exactly talking about that kind of situation. See...my point was that my fiance slammed on the brakes so I got jolted forward in the car...obviously not a good thing for baby...and he could have gotten us rear ended by doing that when the guy behind us was speeding up. 

Name: julie | Date: May 4th, 2006 8:59 PM
hey angela yeah my boyfriend has really bad road rage he either speeds up or slams the brakes on and i shout at him then he feels bad and says he wont do it again but he does its other looney drivers that cause these problems but our fellas should calm down a bit and realise that there is something growing inside of us 

Name: Angela | Date: May 4th, 2006 9:04 PM
Yes Julie, I relate. My fiance lets all the idiots out there get to him instead of just getting out of the way. It just ticks me off because the FIRST thing I think about when there's a jerk on the road is 'stay away from him, you're pregnant' and the first thing on his mind is obviously, "I'll show this guy..." 

Name: Carrie | Date: May 4th, 2006 9:13 PM
sorry yea thats not good 4 the baby, maybe he just 4 got for a little wile..... :-(
I thought u wanted stories....oops... lol 

Name: Angela | Date: May 4th, 2006 9:45 PM
hehe, that's alright...ur story is kinda cute. 

Name: julie | Date: May 5th, 2006 2:32 PM
yeah angela they think theve got somethin to prove or sumfin its like other drivers do somethin or nearly hit there precious car and its well out of order but they just dont realise theres plenty of time 4 that crap wen ur not in the car but i will give my fella his due he is very caring other than his road rage bless him 

Name: jenn | Date: May 5th, 2006 3:35 PM
well when i first started hanging out with my babies father he took me on this trip to nicoya which is up north and you ahve to get on a ferry and he picked me up and he was driving like 120 km per hour, literally coming up behind other drivers and forcing them off the road...and it didnt even phase him.. at 6 in the morning with a bong in between his knees lighting it with one hand other hand on the wheel or saying here steer for me while i do this... I HAD NEVER BEEN SO TERRIFIED i started having a panic attack and he was like, what is wrong with you? you have problems dont you? i was like, uh, YEAH you are going to kill someone!!! and he has this big tank of a truck a landcruiser like the kind they use in wars and stuff big enough to take out everything in its path i just closed my eyes and prayed and seriously considered jumping out of the car but he never stopped...
well he had his reasons cause we were the last car to get on the ferry and if we hadnt run all those cars off the road we would have missed the trip (a business trip for him) but i remember thinking ... on the way home i will just pay a cab or hop on a bus i cant do this...this guy is crazy...he is going to kill someone.... he was a perfect gentlemen the rest of the trip saying "see i had to ride fast cause we were going to miss the feery" but then drove drunk all the way home .. somehow months later all of this must have just slipped my mind cause i ended up getting pregnant with this guy. . wow i sure do know how to pick a winner LOL...
well if he decides to be in the picture one day he is NEVER getting behind the whell with my baby!!!!
he also has pit bulls and they are forever attacking people and killing other dogs. wow this guy is a danger to society.. thank god im having a little girl! 

Name: To Angela | Date: May 5th, 2006 4:46 PM
How far along are you? 

Name: Stephanie | Date: May 5th, 2006 4:47 PM
Sometimes guys just seem to be soooo stupid!!!! It's like they forget everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Angela | Date: May 5th, 2006 7:46 PM
I'm 33 weeks pregnant.

Jenn, wow. He sounds like a total nutcase. I'm glad you're not in that situation anymore. That would have been scary! 

Name: jenn | Date: May 6th, 2006 12:18 AM
everyone there is a nutcase. its costa rica and there are practically no cops. even though he was a total asshole to me i can still say he really is a nice guy, i guess charisma charm and money go a long way.... 

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