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Name: Ranita
[ Original Post ]
Hi all,

When are we supposed to be able to hear the heartbeat? I have had 2 ultrasounds already and we saw the heart beating, but why hasn't the doctor suggested that we 'hear' the hearbeat? Some websites say we can hear it at 9 weeks, some at 11....I have almost completed my 13th week. Should I be concerned?
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Name: woaafm22 | Date: Aug 14th, 2006 12:44 PM
it depends on how the baby is sitting sometimes. I've heard my babies heartbeats several times (14 weeks with twins) but at our last ultrasound we couldn't hear twin b for anything even tho we could see it going strong. then he moved over and we heard it for about two seconds before he moved again.. baby just might be a little stubborn lol 

Name: Thismakes2 | Date: Aug 14th, 2006 2:57 PM
I think that I heard the heartbeat at 12 weeks but I had an ultrasound at 10 weeks and had the same experience, saw the heartbeat on the u/s but my doc didn't tell me what it was. I think you should just ask your doctor what the heart rate is during your next appt. It's nothing to worry about if you have seen it on the u/s but it's nice to know what the heart rate is and actually hear it. Is this your first baby? 

Name: Petrona | Date: Aug 14th, 2006 4:57 PM
Most doctors cannot find the heartbeat by doppler until the 12th week and after. But the doppler should be a regular part of your prenatal care, with the doctor checking for it at every visit. However the fact that you've seen it twice is probably why your doctor isn't so insistent on hearing it. Seeing it is just as reassuring. 

Name: Ayame | Date: Aug 14th, 2006 6:25 PM
Naw, he probably just hasn't done it yet, that's all. My doctor didn't do it till like the 13th week, so I think you should get it done soon! 

Name: Ranita | Date: Aug 14th, 2006 7:23 PM
Thanks everyone !! i feel reassured, and I will definitely bring up the questioning to my doctor on September 2nd (next appointment). Yes Thismakes2 ... this is my first baby, so its the fear of the unknown i guess. Sigh - what we women have to go through ;) 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Aug 15th, 2006 3:24 AM
my doctor tried when i was 8 weeks along, she said sometimes they can hear it but if not i shouldnt worry, they'll try again when i am 10 weeks (im going tomorrow) me and my fiance are sooo excited, we get our first u/s and try for the heartbeat again....i can't wait to see him/her!!! 

Name: timmygirl | Date: Aug 15th, 2006 11:12 AM
I am currently 10 weeks, and I heard my baby's first heartbeat yesterday. It was at 180. 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Aug 15th, 2006 2:44 PM
My doctor tried at 12 weeks but couldn't get the heartbeat so he did an ultrasound. The heartbeat was perfectly normal on the ultrasound, but the way my son was laying made it hard to hear. We had problems all through the pregnancy trying to hear the heartbeat because he would always run away from that thing that they use to hear it. But now he is a beautiful healthy little boy. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Aug 15th, 2006 3:31 PM
It is possible to hear your baby's heart rate at 7 weeks but forsure by 9 weeks. If they are unable to hear they will most likely give you an ultrasound becuase it could just be how the baby is lying. At my last appointment I was 15 1/2 weeks and the nurse was having a hard time finding the heart beat. We did eventually find it, turns out the baby was just moving alot. 

Name: ashleymama | Date: Aug 16th, 2006 4:36 AM
You can usually pick up your babies heartbeat by doppler around the 12th week. You can also hear your babies heartbeat w/ the ultrasound machine but I guess your doc didn't turn up the volume because they could see it on screen and figured all looked good. Dont worry you will hear your babies heartbeat by your next appt I'm sure of it. 

Name: koz | Date: Aug 16th, 2006 4:46 AM
my baby is now 5 months old, but when i was new to this forum I was like 10 weeks. I just had a dr appt at 12 weeks and he couldn't hear the heartbeat and I freaked out. i had a similar post but he heard it the following week. It was probably the postioning...my baby was our 4th baby and it is just as nerve racking as my first!! I came home that day in tears then at the next appt he said why didn't you say you were so worried, I would've done an ultrasound! So I went out of my mind for a week thinking something was wrong then finally called and said i couldn't wait a month till my next appt!! Now I have a beautiful healthy girl who was just being stubborn!! 

Name: koz | Date: Aug 16th, 2006 4:47 AM
oh i forgot the fr said sometimes if your uterus is tipped it makes it harder to hear cuz the baby is farther away! 

Name: Ranita | Date: Aug 16th, 2006 7:16 AM
Well it seems that each pregnancy is different than the other. Though we have seen the heart beating, it would be really comforting to hear the chimes ;) I am so looking forward to my next appointment...
Koz - baby number 4 ?? wow, i really admire that. I am still wondering how I can make it through number 1. Does it get easier? 

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