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Name: Shana
[ Original Post ]
I am about four days late for my period and have taken four brands of pregnancy test. I got three positives or I think they are positive. You have to see a + sign and you can barely see the second line but you can definately see it. Now the fourth test which was first response it was negative but I have heard alot of negative stuff about that test. I did use ept (2 sticks) and both had a faint + sign. I am so confused because of the negative test. But would the + sign show up at all if there wasnt any hcg hormone to make it show up?
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Name: elle | Date: Mar 26th, 2006 2:24 PM
Even if it's a very faint line, it's positive. HPTs generally do not give false positives, and since you had 3 positive tests, I'd say you're pregnant. The reason the lines are faint is because your hcg levels are low, which is expected early in the pregnancy. I had bad results (hard to read) with the First Response brand hpt, so I wouldn't worry about one negative test. You are pregnant, so make an appointment with your ob/gyn soon. And congrats! 

Name: Nora | Date: Mar 26th, 2006 5:07 PM
I found out I was pregnant thanks to Clear Blue Easy Digital.. even if there is a small trace amount of hcg, the test will give you an either "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant" answer in the little window.. No having to figure out if the lines showed up or not.. and mine showed "HELLO YOU'RE PREGNANT!!" 

Name: hpa | Date: Mar 26th, 2006 10:01 PM
longs you have had some sort of + sign then i would say you were preg, its common to have a false negative but a false positive however weak is very very unusual!
see your doc asap! 

Name: shana | Date: Mar 26th, 2006 10:21 PM
You are right Nora..went out and bought the clear blue easy and sure enough..it came up saying pregnant! I still have small doubts dumb enough..I guess I want it so bad I am having a hard time believing it. 

Name: nora | Date: Mar 27th, 2006 12:39 AM
I trusted what my clear blue easy test said... so if it told you, "hey you're preggo woman" then believe it. (thankfully it doesnt say goofy stuff like that! LOL) And then go see your ob/gyn for an official answer.. =)

Good Luck Shana!! 

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