Hello, guest
Name: ashleymama
[ Original Post ]
Ok I dont know if you read my post I spent all night in the hospital!! but I have a question that I really need your help with. This morning after my exam and the nurse confirming I am 4 centimeters I had some blood in my mucus from the irritation of being checked.
The nurse said that was normal, then I went home and one last time I had a little bit of bloody mucus I went to the bathroom all day long including a bowel movement and my mucus was clear, now I just got out of the bathroom from peeing and I had a sharp pain and went to wipe and there was blood in my mucus again like the nurse just checked me. Whats up??? I'm so lost can you guys help me please.
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Name: moshecathy | Date: Aug 31st, 2006 2:15 AM
its called mucus plug or something. it 's very normal and it just means that you're on your way to labor (which you almost are .. i read your post, god bless your husband!) . it doesnt guaranty a time though. i dont remember it too well cause the last lamaze class i took was 6 years ago .... but trust your gut anyway. if you feel weird about it call your doctor. good luck and god bless! 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Aug 31st, 2006 4:33 AM
Although it sounds as if your just passing your mucus plug (this can happen up to a few weeks before labor) you may be going into or are in preterm labor. Preterm labor is labor that occurs before the 37th week. Symptoms of preterm labor are
-vaginal discharge (watery, mucus or bloody)
-Pelvic or Lower abdominal pressure
-Low, dull backache
-stomach cramps, with or without diarrhea
-Regular contractions or uterine tightening 

Name: daisyusa | Date: Aug 31st, 2006 4:56 AM
Ashley, sounds like this is it!!!!!! I know you've been waiting for this for a long time. I'm so excited. Try not to worry and relax tonight, might be the last for a bit. I know it's hard not to worry, but you've come so far and Emma is ready to make her grand entrance, makes me well up with tears. You''ve been such a wonderful person here, so supportive and encouraging, and you have given me hope.

God bless sweetie. 

Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Aug 31st, 2006 6:38 AM
Ashley!! I widh you the best of luck! Please let me know how eveything turns out! 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Aug 31st, 2006 2:46 PM
Girl I have been worried about you, not seeing you online at all. Get your butt back to the Dr.... I think it is time... if not they may have to make it be time. 

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