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Name: lizshouse88
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Me and boyfriend never argue too much, mostly because I never argue with him. But in the past week or so I have gotten so mad at him for such little things. Then after its all over with I feel bad about arguing and start to cry. And then theres just those little things that just make me want to cry! ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY. Someone please tell me im normal! I was not like this before. I am only 5 weeks pregnant! Is there anything I can do to relieve some of this? Please help me
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Name: Ranita | Date: Aug 27th, 2006 3:39 AM
Hello Lizshouse88

Hormone changes are extremely normal during most stages of pregnancy, and maybe even at the very begining, but there may be other issues to look into. Is he happy about the pregnancy, did it come at an unsuspecting time? Are there other factors that surround your relationship that are not quite the best right now?
I know I am begining to sound like Dr. Phil, but sometimes we have to look past the current situation in order to see whats really happening.
Try to communicate without casting blame, and most important of all when an argument is done and dealt with don't bring up the past and repeat it to your boyfriend. Men have a strange way of really getting angry at these wonderful ways of women.
My advise to you is don't aggreviate yourself over things that are petty, the weeks ahead will probably be hard enough as it is.
Good luck ! 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Aug 27th, 2006 5:26 PM
Some women start to feel the hormonal changes as early as 2 weeks after conception. I thought I was experiencing really bad PMS, but in fact I was pregnant. I too was quite moody at 5 weeks. I found out I was pg at 4 weeks, and this was a completely unplanned pregnancy so it complicated things b/w my fiance and I. I didn't want to keep the baby, btu he really did. I made an appt. for an abortion, but decided that I could do this, and now I'm 24 weeks along, but I'm still extrememly moody.

How old r u? I have been prescribed anti-anxiet and anti-depresseant meds b/c my emotions have gotten so out of whack, but many women just feel emotional throughout their pg, and don;t have to take anything. Like Ranita said don't sweat the small stuff. You have a long way to go w/ this pregnancy, and yu need to start good coping methods now. Do you have a good support system besides your bf? I hope everything goes well, and let us know how you're feeling. 

Name: lizshouse88 | Date: Aug 27th, 2006 8:53 PM
I am actually pretty young (18) but this pregnancy wasnt unplanned. I mean we werent putting every extra second into trying or anything. It was one of those things where it is welcomed now that it has happened but we would have been fine on the other end too. I have been with my boyfriend over a year. He was a little scared at first, but he is already kissing my stomach goodbye when he goes to work in the morning lol. Thanks for the advice though 

Name: ashleymama | Date: Aug 27th, 2006 9:06 PM
Hi lizshouse88, I just wanted to let you know that what you said about the arguing and crying is 100% completely normal. My first pregnancy when I was 17 was exactly how you are describing it. I was so emotional and then the next minute irritable. I know it's hard but your boyfriend kind of just has to turn a deaf ear in a way and not take anything to personal right now until about a month after the baby is born. I'm preggie w/ my 2nd now and I wasn't to bad in the beginning of the pregnancy but now that I am in my 3rd trimester all I have to do is think about crying and I can, it's crazy!!
Welcome to the ups and downs of pregnancy, you will be fine hang in there :) There is nothing really that you can do, unless you want to take meds which I highly doubt you need and you shouldn't take unless you absolutely need it. 

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