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Name: Sick Of MEN
[ Original Post ]
Ok maybe not all men but mine is. How come it's ok for a man to do something and not you? How come they can go do whatever they want? How come they can stay gone as long as they want and not have to report in. How come they never call to see how the baby is doing?
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Name: Carrie | Date: May 16th, 2006 8:07 PM
damn nora being a lil mean are we?? 

Name: Ashlie | Date: May 16th, 2006 8:17 PM
I dont know I think the word MEN has a lot to do with that sick of men. I love my man but sometimes I feel the same way you feel right now. 

Name: yeah | Date: May 17th, 2006 11:14 AM
it's like they have thier own set of rules... it's so unfair... you are gone for 5 minutes and he's calling your cell phone to find out what is taking you so long, but he can go out with his friends and stay gone all night and that's ok. I know exactly what you mean. I trust my man and I know he's not cheating on me, but it's hardly fair that I have to stay home and worry about him. Nora, she's pregnant and worried, you would be too.. this is a forum for advice to expectant mothers and even though it may be off subject, she still has the right to vent her frustrations and get advice on whatever her problem may be. 

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