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Name: Tra
[ Original Post ]
I am 28 weeks i have had a ultra sound at 3 months and a 20 weeks, when will I have another one? Is there another routine one they do?
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Name: Ashlie | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 5:56 PM
Hi Tra I am 20 weeks and I have only had one u/s so far and that was yesterday. I am really not sure what goes on there every doctor does things different, you know. As far as I knew they only did them a bunch in high risk pregnancies but that is here where I am from. Maybe you should just ask your doc hon. I hope I helped a little 

Name: elle | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 6:50 PM
It must depend on your doctor...My doctor said it's routine to do just one ultrasound at around 20 weeks, unless there's something wrong, then they'd do more. The doctor I saw for my first child did one ultrasound around 6 weeks to confirm the pregnancy, then I never had another one. You should really ask your doctor. 

Name: Angela | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 8:00 PM
It depends on your Doctor and where you are. I'm in Canada and I got one U/S at 20 weeks and I won't be getting another unless there is something suspected to be wrong with the baby. So I had one chance to see her before she comes out. I wish we were able to get more done though. 

Name: heather | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 10:37 PM
it depends on your INSURANCE. private pay (pay with cash) u can have as many as you want; medicaid only allows one where im at. as far as insurance through your company..im not sure. BUT your doc has the right to decide how many you get. he may only allow how much the insurance covers. mine gave me 2 but i have no clue who paid for the other one (weather it was the doc or the insurance) 

Name: Chris R | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 11:31 PM
It's insurance, and also the Dr. Some Dr.'s will do lots of them and some don't feel it's necessary. I got one at 6 weeks only because I was bleeding and then again at 20 weeks. After that it depends on if it's needed. My son turned breech at 36 weeks so I went in each week and got one, also had one done in the hospital during labor. I never got charged extra and my insurance only allows 2. Not sure how they determine the others... 

Name: Christina | Date: Mar 25th, 2006 10:35 PM
I got one when we thought I was 18 weeks pregnant, then he sent me to a sonographer and had another and found out that I was 24 weeks pregnant. I'm 27 weeks preggy now and had another one the other day, only because I had sad puppy dog eyes and asked for one cause my lil sis was with me cause she was out of school for spring break. I wasn't scheduled for one he was just being nice! 

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