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Name: M
[ Original Post ]
The baby dropped a few days ago Over the last few hours I am having slight cramping and belly gets hard then softens again. It hurts to walk around but feels OK when I sit hold my belly on the bottom and rock. the midwife cancelled yesterday's appointment and rescheduled for Friday. The pains are coming every 20 mintes to 1/2 hour. and the baby is really moving around. This is my first baby and . I am having it without a labor coach. I was told to call when my water broke or the pains came every 5 minutes. I am really getting scared . the baby is due May 30th.
I read some of the entries on the site and am really scared
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Name: Chrissy | Date: May 17th, 2006 1:51 AM
I have not had a period for 3 months i getsick to my and my boobs r sore they home preg. test say neg. but i have a bad blader infection can that have somethingto do with the home preg. test coming out neg? i got almost all the systoms of a preg. women..I am going 2morrow for blood work. 

Name: To M | Date: May 17th, 2006 8:22 AM
First, very few women break thier water before labor so don't hold onto that. It may happen and it may not. As for the pains coming every 20 minutes is not a good sign of labor holding off. As for the midwife, she does not sound like a very dependable person when it comes to you having what sounds like labor pains. If you get worried or to scared take yourself the the hospital and at least get yourself checked out if that will ease your mind any. This does not mean you have to have the baby there but at least you will have a little peice of mind. Otherwise sounds like you are going to be a mommy pretty soon and I wish you the best of luck. We are not doctors here and we can't tell you anything besides what we have gone threw ourselfs. So I hope everything goes well. 

Name: Lori | Date: May 17th, 2006 12:04 PM
I agree about your water breaking you cant wait for that. With my first one My water broke but my dr still had to burst some sort of water bag in there, actually felt really good when he did too :P
With #2 honestly I don't even remeber them breaking my water but I know it didn't break on it's own. And #3 I was 10 cm dilated and ready to push and she said she had to break my water first. So don't wait for that! I honestly don't know why they say to wait til contractions are 5 min apart even for yor first one. My contractions were farther apart then that with #2 right before I was pushing her out. I agree with the other post if you are really worried run to the hostpital to get checked out it will make you feel better and then you can tell your midwife exactly how far you are dilated and effaced ( if any) If you cant bare to go to the hospital call your midwife and tell her you really would feel better if you could gte checked out. Good luck to you!! 

Name: Chris R | Date: May 17th, 2006 1:22 PM
I can see calling your midwife and telling her aobut the contractions, but I can see waiting till they get a little closer. With my son they would come every 15 minutes or so and I was like that for a few weeks out. I had the painful ones that came close to every 6 minutes, but stalled twice after a good hour. Not everyone shuts down labor as fast as my body though, my baby was just stubborn. I would definitely keep timing them and call your midwife if you are having uncomfortable contractions, see if she can get you in to look at you, good luck! 

Name: m | Date: May 17th, 2006 11:49 PM
I a friend of mine came by (She has had 2 babies) she didn't think I was ready but called the midwife and by the time we got to the birthing center the pains stopped. The midwife told me that the baby is fine and usually the first babys take their time. My friend also told me to call her so that she would be there to help me through the labor. She had both her babys at home and told me that the baby and my body know what to do and when 

Name: To M | Date: May 18th, 2006 10:08 AM
Well, I am glad you went in to settle your mind and get a check up. Sometimes you can get yourself so worked up that your body seems to do what your mind is thinking. I know the last couple of weeks are the longest and hardest. Hope you and the baby do well sweetie! 

Name: m | Date: May 19th, 2006 1:04 AM
Today my belly started going tight and getting soft again sort of on and off but it wasn't as long as before. and i could walk easier. Before the only thing that felt good was supporting my belly and rocking. Even though the midwife told me first babys take their time I am still afraid that labor will start and I won't make it to the birthing center. Today during a nap I dreamed that I was in a place alone with no phone and in hard labor and couldn't push the baby out. I am kind of scared that when I go into real labor nobody will be home when I call for a ride to the hospital. The babys father told me he would pay for an abortion but since I decided to have the baby he left the U.S. and went back to Mexico so it will be just the two of us 

Name: Brandy | Date: May 19th, 2006 2:58 AM
When I went into labor with my 4 year old NOBODY was home. My husband (at the time boyfriend) was in school taking his final (college) and couldn't answer his phone. My parents were not anywhere to be found. My best friend and er mom were gone my husbands best friend was gone. I ended up having to call 911 to hitch a ride to the hospital. SO I am very worried about that as well this time. I got my parents a cell phone for christmas and my hubby works now so I don't have to worry about pesky finals. I also have dreams about being alone only in mine I get the baby half way out and then he gets stuck. Scary stuff. Just keep communication open with friends and family and make sure they know how you are feeling each day and they will be prepaired. 

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