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Name: Emy
[ Original Post ]
On the 11th (of march) my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time (with each other) and the condom came off. We didn't realize it until we were done. The next day (12th) i took the morning after pill, extremely scared that I could get pregnant. I'm 21, in college and def. not ready for a baby.
Well, i've been having a little bit of pain on my lower back. It started out as sharp pains (at random times) and now (4 days later) it's very small pain on my left side.
I spoke with someone at the clinic i go to and they told me it could just be cramping from the pill, which is trying to speed up my menstrual process or that it could be the start of an ectopic pregnancy. I'm extremely scared about that. I've done alot of research and I'm going out of my mind about it.
...I know taking a pregnancy test won't do any good right now, my period usually comes up around the 23rd and I doubt a pregnancy test at this point will prove anything.
What do i do?! Does anyone have any suggestions or advice??
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Name: nora | Date: Mar 17th, 2006 3:17 AM
Hi Emy... It does sound like morning after pill pains.. I had done that before and i thought my uterus was gonna fall out! what you should do in the mean time to ease the pain is take an ibproferin like Advil.. and try to relax as much as you can as stress can make the pain intensify too.. with the morning after pill you're pretty much taking a whole month's worth of birth control pills at once...

If you dont have your normal period by the 23rd go to the clinic and get things checked out... good luck and keep us informed ok? 

Name: Emy to Nora | Date: Mar 17th, 2006 6:20 PM
Thanks for the reply nora. I was hoping that it would be side effects from the morning after pill but the people at the clinic said the pains weren't normal. I hope they were wrong. Anyways, along with the little pain i have, i am also now sick with a cold. Ugh.
I will def. keep you informed on what happens. I really hope my period comes. If not i will go and get a test done. Thanks for the luck, i'm going to need it. 

Name: nora | Date: Mar 18th, 2006 5:23 AM
hey no problem sweetie.. that's what we're here for! 

Name: to Emy | Date: Mar 18th, 2006 2:20 PM
I just saw a thing on the local news channel about women dying from the morning after pill. so I 'd be careful when taking it so freely. Theres not enough known about it yet and I think it is going to be banned if it isnt already. I think it should be banned anyway. 

Name: Angela | Date: Mar 18th, 2006 3:34 PM
Don't scare people by posting things like that without stats. I know lots of people who have taken the morning after pill and nothing has ever gone wrong. 

Name: To Angela | Date: Mar 18th, 2006 4:52 PM
I do not think that they are trying to scare anyone...it is a fact that the morning after pill has been linked to the death of at least 7-9 people...2 of which were just the other day...it is very dangerous and people should have facts... 

Name: nora | Date: Mar 18th, 2006 5:44 PM
whoever said something about women dying from the morning after pill, please please please, get the information correct before saying something about it.. there are no studies linking any kind of fatality to the morning after pill.. However, there are fatalities associated with the Abortion Pill...

The Abortion pill (RU-486), is different from the morning after pill -(Plan B or Lo/Ovral) The morning after pill prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, vs the abortion pill which is an option for women who are 8 weeks pregnant or less.. A pill is taken orally, and then within 24-72 hours the woman then inserts little pills into her vagina which causes contractions and ultimately a forced miscarriage...and so far there are only 4 known deaths in the US with the abortion pill..

So there is a big difference between the 2 methods, where one of them is an actual "at home" abortion.. 

Name: to nora | Date: Mar 18th, 2006 7:54 PM
I wasa going by what the news said. There are deaths related to the morning after pill. It didnt say anything about an abortion pill. So I am going by the facts sorry you may think you know it all but obvioulsy you dont. I dont believe the news would report on something so serious if they didnt have all the facts. 

Name: sally | Date: Mar 19th, 2006 6:11 AM
yeah by a pregnancy kit or go to the doctors 

Name: nora | Date: Mar 19th, 2006 5:06 PM
to the morning after pill news person..

Can you tell me where you saw that report? ie what news station that you saw it on... ie WGN Chicago, WPIX Channel 11 - New York... Most news stations will post the reports on their websites.. and I would like to see these "facts" myself.

btw.. I dont ever claim to be a know it all.. Everything I posted in my last post IS FACTUAL.. it's called doing research and having to have taken Plan B contraception myself..

Actually here are the websites where all of my info came from:


Name: Emy | Date: Mar 22nd, 2006 5:18 PM
Your opinion of wanting the morning after pill banned, is just your opinion. thank you for your input. I was already aware of the side affects and risks of the pill. Not to mention, there's always a risk in these sort of things. Plus, you stated yourself there is not enough info known yet to be positive, so why try and make it seem like you are stating a fact? ...whatever, thanks anyways.

as for an update. I went to my doctor. She gave me a preg. test and tested me for sti's. I came out negative. I will be taking another preg. test at the end of this week just to be certain. I've been eating a lot more then usual lately. But that could just be from stress. My menstraul cycle hasn't come yet, but she said it could be the effects of the birth control pill. Hopefully that's what is delaying my cycle. 

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