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Name: Jann
[ Original Post ]
I am 20 weeks pregnant and my ultrasound last week showed that the umbillical cord is striaght. The doctor didnt have any information to give me...........PLEASE HELP if anyone has any information they can give me or know of anyone who has had this with their pregnancy. My nerves are shot and Im so worried.
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Name: Oni | Date: Sep 28th, 2005 8:57 PM
hi Jan...I went to OBGYN.NET and searched for the topic..I cut a pasted an insert on here for you, if you would like more specified information on the topic I would suggest this site. I wish you all the best luck !

I am currently 24 wks pg with my third child. At my 20 wk u/s, it was discovered that the baby's umbilical cord is straight. The Dr.s told me that I now have an increased risk of suffering a stillbirth, a baby with chromosomal abnormalities, heart defects, and/or IUGR. I have done my best to research the subject on the internet and found some similar, and some conflicting information. I am now under the care of a perinatologist whom I will continue to see once a month after having level II u/s's to check the baby's growth. So far, the baby has measured perfectly (even a little big), and there are no obvious abnormalities that can be seen on u/s. I have, however, chosen NOT to have amnio as it would make no difference in my wanting this baby. The PN, although part of a well-known RI hospital, has never had a case herself and was unable to give me very much information. Only that we would have to "wait and see", because she just didn't know. My question is, is there anyway to know if there had been babies born perfectly healthy with a straight cord? Would there even be any case studies on a good outcome? What are my chances for a good outcome? Any infomation would be greatly appreciated, as this has been a very frustrating struggle for me. Thank you in advance 

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