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Name: Isabella
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I have had lots of braxton hicks contraction the last 2 weeks I am due in 6-8 weeks. The nurse told me my body is just practicing. I was hoping contractions would make the baby be born sooner. I really want to have this baby.Everybody says I look like the baby will come anytime but the midwife measured my belly yesterday and said she thinks the babe will be here in the first or second week in July.
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Name: Lori | Date: May 18th, 2006 12:44 AM
No I don't think you can stop braxton hicks. You don't want to have your baby now 6-8 weeks early its not healthy or done growing yet so don't wish it to be over yet.. I know it's pain but hang in there!! The braxton hicks are a way your body practices for the real thing. Kinda gives you a heads up on whats to come but 10x worse lol Good Luck!! 

Name: Isabella | Date: May 18th, 2006 2:00 AM
Lori, Is it really going to be that bad? My boyfriend comes from a large family and his mom told me that drugs aren't necessary. I am having a midwife and going to a birthing center. I have taken the classes. My boyfriend saw 8 of his siblings born at home. and is looking forward to his baby being born naturally and the midwife said when the baby is ready my she will let my boyfriend help the baby out of me. We are doing a water birth. in this huge tub. His family weren't too happy with our pregnancy but now they are looking forward to being in the room when their first grandchild comes. I feel like since they lovingly accepted our pregnancy and have been really helpful Ishould have this baby naturally 

Name: Lori | Date: May 18th, 2006 3:25 AM
Well it hurts yes.. but you so soon forget it and don't forget this isn't pain for nothing you are giving birth!! I hope all goes great for yoU! Keep us posted :) 

Name: Isabella | Date: May 18th, 2006 10:13 PM
The midwife sent me to a massage therapist who works on pregnanrt women. The massage felt really good and the little one calmed down and liked it too. The doula also told me to practice breathing when the contractions come to practice for my birthing labor. She also told me about some different yoga positions which might help . I am really excited and a bit worried about the pains I know there is a reason for the pains and I know that my boyfriend will be great. Even with the braxton hicks and all my complaining he has been great. . I am so lucky that he and his family are so supportive. His Mom told me the same thing you did about every labor pain has a purpose and that purpose is to bring a new baby into the world. 

Name: jenn | Date: May 18th, 2006 10:26 PM
isabella, i thought the same as you! when i was like 32 weeks everyone kept asking "are you due" and saying "any day now" and i got to thinking that i would have her long before my due date, since my belly got so big so soon! i even started telling people my due date was april 29 instead of may 19!!! but no, here i am, may 18th, and still pregnant. i cant believe it. EVERYONE thought i would have her early, i thought the due date calculations had been wrong, but no. i cant actually believe after tomorrow i will be overdue!
i had practice contractions too but your baby probally isnt coming anytime soon, best of luck to you! you can make it til july i promise! 

Name: Isabella | Date: May 18th, 2006 11:52 PM
Jenn, Hopefully your baby will be here soon. I just can't believe my belly grew so much. I think I am worried that this baby will be really big. My boyfriend's mom told me he was over 9 lbs and she said the way I am carrying that this baby will be a good size. the doula also told me that baby's on the larger side delivery easier because they are stronger than their small counter parts. Any truth to tthat? Did you have lots of braxton hicks? When I get them and lay just right we can see the baby hiccoup and or move. Is this your first baby? 

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