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Name: jenp
[ Original Post ]
Ok, so I lost my baby exactly two weeks ago. I bought ovulation tests to help us know when my fertile time of the month is. So I tested last night and it came out positive, but I'm just wondering whether or not the LH hormone is just still elevated from my pregnancy, or what? Does the LH stay elevated once you get pregnant. I know it sounds confusing, but basically, I was pregnant, lost it, now I'm waiting for my hormone levels to go back down to normal...and I'm not sure if LH is a pregnancy hormone that stays elevated for a while after m/c, or whether it's just high right now because I'm ovulating? Help please??
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Name: jennifer early | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 3:31 PM
i am not sure about all the hormone stuff, but i had a miscarriage on april 15 2005, then found out i was prego on may 11 2005. we had sex on april 26 so all i know is that it is possible to get pregnant immediately after a m/c and carry to term. my daughter was born in january. i would just have sex anyway. believe it or not, i got pregnant somewhere between 11 and13 days after my m/c, depending on how long it took for one of those little guys to find my egg, so you still have a chance and you are very fertile right now. go get busy! good luck 

Name: jenp | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 3:48 PM
Jennifer, that is great news for me! Just showed your note to my husband, and we have decided to get busy tonight ;)) Wish us luck and lots of baby dust.
This might be a little TMI, but I have to ask you...how long did you bleed for after the miscarriage? It's been 14 days for me, and although it has turned to dark brownish, it's still coming out...(yuck, I know, I'm sorry)...But I just hope that that won't get in the way of the spermies swim up to the promise land. Were you still bleeding when you conceived? 

Name: daisyusa | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 4:08 PM
Have you tried a pregnancy test yet? LH is always present, but ovulation kits can pick up on HCG as well. Kind of like a crude pregnancy test, although not advisable. So there is a possiblity that your HCG levels are still being picked up. Have you had your follow up apt yet? I'm sorry, but I can't remember how far along you were. I was nearly 11 weeks and did HPT'g 2 weeks later and all came back neg so I knew everything was gone. Will keep you in prayer that you are either pregnant or on your way to being pregnant. Lots of baby dust to you.

About my mc, I bled for 8 days and had my first period 32 days after the mc. I really wanted to be pregnant but thought my body needed that first cycle to build up the uterine wall. I just finished my 2nd cycle and should O sometime next week, I hope this is our month. 

Name: Marlene | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 4:13 PM
Jen just wanted to say hey and wish you all the luck in the world. Sending you baby dust. GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK!!!!! 

Name: jenp | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 4:37 PM
Hi Daisy!

I was 12 weeks and 3 days. Thanks for the hormone info...I understand what you're saying. As for being prego right now, I'm definitely not. After the d and c, they told me not to have sex for 2 weeks in order to avoid infection. Plus, I really wanted the bleeding to be gone before we had sex for the "1st time" again ;) I thought it would be nicer...but if I'm ovulating, then that's a whole different story. We're going to get busy tonight ;)

I, too, hope that this is our lucky month!!! GOOD LUCK TO BOTH OF US!!!! 

Name: jenp | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 4:37 PM
oh and THANKS Marlene!!! 

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