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Name: Kayko
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If your do in july, take the time to post here, how are you feeling, is this your first time being pregnant, updates on doc appointments!!!!
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Name: kimber | Date: Dec 3rd, 2007 9:32 PM
Due in July; I am sleepy all the time (3 hour naps a day). A little nausea if I eat greasy foods. I am hungry all the time (getting up once or twice in the night to eat). I am freezing cold all the time unless I am up running around. The only symptoms I had in the beginning was sore breasts, missed period, and dizziness. Every pregnancy is different, this is my third in 4 yrs. and it has been a little different every time. With my first, I only threw up at night for about three weeks and I ate really weird things, also could not stand the smell of eggs. With my second, I was sick as a dog for 16 weeks straight. I threw up so much that my eyes stayed blood shot. #1 kicked me and caused a lot of pelvic and back pain. #2 hardly ever moved. Good luck! 

Name: KatieBaby08 | Date: Dec 7th, 2007 5:07 PM
I'm due July 26th... or so I know for now because I'm still waiting for my first doctor's appointment. I'm sleepy too. It's hard to stay awake at work and then I end up going to bed early too. I am also hungry all the time and crave MEAT... all the things that are easy to grab at home are sugary so I'm trying to figure out how to have protein but not vex my grocery budget! I'm hot a lot more now. Normally I'm cold and have to wear layers but now a days I'm kicking off the blankets in the middle of the night. This is my first pregnancy. This coming week will be week 7. I haven't thrown up at all so far but I do get queasy in the mornings if I don't eat. But I'm not even hungry when I get queasy so I'm just learning to eat something before that happens and then I'm fine. I can't wait to feel the baby kick (which is still a bit of a wait!) and to find out the gender. My brother passed away late September (age 19) and I would like to think that God would bless my family with a son/grandson to help us cope with Adam's death. We miss him so much! 

Name: kimber | Date: Dec 8th, 2007 12:01 AM
If you are due in July, like I am, then we should be able to find out the sex in February. I kind of want to let this last baby be a surprise but then I have never been one to wait either. I hope you have a little boy just because you want one. I hope I am having a girl just because I already have two boys. But most of all I just hope it's healthy and if it is another boy then I'll be the queen of my castle (and we are still done). 

Name: carebear08 | Date: Dec 8th, 2007 5:37 PM
I'm due July 9th and this is my 2nd time trying to have my first baby. I had a miscarriage last August at 7wks. I am now 9 1/2wks, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. So far everything's been okay. I'm tired alot and have a little nausea every now and then. I haven't really had any cramping so far, just some mild ones a couple of times. I tend to get panicked when I start to feel that way, because I'm scared of history repeating itself. We have already seen the heartbeat and go back on the 18th to possibly hear it and see the baby move. I'm so excited I can hardly wait! 

Name: amy2 | Date: Dec 8th, 2007 11:25 PM
hi every1, im so tired of feeling sick, cant wait 4 this 2 pass hpe every1 ok. had my 1st scan at 7 wks cause of threatin miscarraie, goin 4 another 1 on monday, cause they think it twins, we ave boy and girl already 11yrs and 2 1/2, by my dates im due 13 july, scan was few days behind me, i hate that we preg 4 long enuf,hos always adding days r weeks. im the opp 2 kimber cant stop eating eggs,and the smell of air freshners, sprays, washing machine and dishwasher makin me gag. real sensitive 2 smellat min, any 1 have any tips on how 2 get rid of the metallic taste from your mouth, it real bad driving me bonkers 

Name: kimber | Date: Dec 9th, 2007 3:25 AM
I have read that a metallic taste can be due to stress or physical demands on the body while pregnant. Are you under a lot of stress? They say if you eat, the taste will go away and over time it does. 

Name: kimber | Date: Dec 9th, 2007 3:28 AM
We go back on the 19th for our first ultrasound and can't wait. I am so tired of being sick too. Tired and nausea. Now I am having heart palpitations and leg cramps. Anyone else? 

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