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Name: mizzescalante
[ Original Post ]
hey girl congratz your son is sooooo cute.

ok my question. i noticed on the picture on your myspace where he is laying on someones shoulder "picture name "tyler" that he has a red cheek. is that something that the nurses said is normal when a baby is born? has it gone away or gotten worse. reason for me asking is because my daughter had the same thing and they told me its normal and it will go away in a couple of days. well it took a month for it to go away and it took 2 prescriptions but 1 worked to help it go away , and it has now returned 2 weeks ago. the dr told me that it was baby acne and cradle cap mixed together and thats why its red. she prescribed me bactroban and it made it worse i think she might be alergic to it or her face is still to sensitive for the medicine. well the dr prescribed me another cream and it works to take it away..so i guess i am trying to say is did they say it was normal and will go away or did they say it could be something else. yesterday someone told me it looked like baby rosacea on my daughers face. its horrible and it looks like it hurts her.
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Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 18th, 2007 8:19 PM
ummm, he wasn't born with it, but it appeared a few hours later, i guess just from me touching his face, he did have a little bit of acne, but that was gone by the next day, and on his nose he has a few white spots, they kinda look like clogged pores, those are still there, and in certain spots he has little red marks that look like bug bites, but at the dr. today he told me that its just from our hands touching him in a certain spot and that is nornal and that they will go away, he said dont picka t them and there is no need for us to put any thing on them, but he didnt really have cradle cap, and the slight bit that he had basicaly went away.

i would call a different dr. seeing that they didn't go away thats strange for it to come back like that . keep me updated on how it goes 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: May 18th, 2007 8:23 PM
see i was told the same thing you were told but it came back bad. she has gotten it 2 times since she was born. i will post some pics later when i get home so you see what i am talking about. thanks for replying. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 18th, 2007 10:58 PM
ok i was jsut reading something, and it said they can have it up to 18 months! 

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