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Name: Kristy84
[ Original Post ]
I know this is probbaly a really stupid question, but I was wondering if it's normal to be especialoly moody the last leg of your pregnancy? I'm 33 weeks and Michale can't do anything right....he's always pissing me off. I'm not like blowing up at him, but I've been very on edge. A month ago I was feeling great.
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Name: mommyagain | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 5:53 PM
Yes dear it is very normal! You are moody and irritable and it is very justified. You coming close to the end but yet not close enough! You are very much allowed to be a B&*tch!!! 

Name: melmoney | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 5:55 PM
I only have a few weeks to go and I've noticed that I've been especially moody as well. I normally realize shortly after the anger subsides that it was completely ridiculous, but I still get fired up at even the most insignificant things. I yell at Blake a lot too. And lord help him if he points out that I'm in a bad mood for no reason... that just sets me off more. 

Name: jillw | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 5:57 PM
I am sure that it is very common kristy. You are tired of being pregnant, excited to meet your little one, and have a regular size stomach :) 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 6:01 PM
Thanks guys...Michael keeps apologizing for everything that I yell at him for and that makes me even more angry...I hate being patronized, but he says that he needs to apoologize for being a male b/c he understand that at this moment there is nothing he can do or say that will make me happy...he's a great guy, but I still hate him:)...j/k I love him!!! 

Name: missmara | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 6:02 PM
It is totally normal! You probably haven't been sleeping real well either, and I know if I don't get enough sleep I'm much quicker to snap. Just take it easy and don't be too hard on yourself:) 

Name: Randi02 | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 6:25 PM
I am 33 weeks as well and I haven't been really irritable, but man I do cry now. I never really used to cry much and now I do and it's totally irrational. The other day Tyler and I were driving and I felt something on my hand...it was a ladybug and I screamed and flicked it off. Then I started crying and saying "I hate ladybugs!" and Tyler started laughing at me and I looked at him and said (tearfully) "I don't know why you think it's funny that he thinks he's allowed to be on my hand!"

It was absolutely ridiculous. Bugs don't normally bother me.
SO yeah...I hope it's normal 

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