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Name: krystinakoleen
[ Original Post ]
Ok, so i am only 14 weeks pregnant last week i went to the hospital because i was having contractions, and they found out everytime i contracted the babies heart rate went from 190 to 150 (i know still in the normal range) but they were worried about why the heartrate was dropping...And the contractions are back (came wheniw as fighting with my husband) I've tried drinking water and laying on my side like they tell you to do when your farther along..But its not working..No bleeding or discharge.. And i don't know what to do, it seems like i am at the hospital every week...any advice?
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Name: Randi | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 1:49 PM
Go to the hospital. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 1:49 PM
keep drinking lots and lots of water, make sure you're getting enough food, try walking around, not laying down, take a shower or bath, and easier said than done, but stop fighting, stress isnt good. if anything slit ur husbands throat :) haha sorry. 

Name: krystinakoleen | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 2:02 PM
LOL let me tell you i'm close lol..its like he doesn't even care that i am contracting....and i know i should go to the hospital but i'm just so sick of it...i will try the walking and shower etc..if that doesn't work i will go to the hospital :( 

Name: Randi | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 2:03 PM
So are they just braxton hicks then? I got those from abot 17 weeks on. I also had cramping in my back... I was told it's normal, that some people just get them earlier and stronger than others. That's probably why he isn't worried. BH are harmless usually. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 2:04 PM
dont walk far, just like get up and move around, sometimes changing position can help, but actual walking can keep contractions going. your best bet, go to the hospital or call ur doctor, i have been to the hospital just about every doctors visit since ive been back stateside and im sooo effin sick of it, im like alright im 39 weeks, if im going to the hospital it better be life threatening or i better be coming home with this kid out of me lol well if i werent so sleepy id add ur hubby to my hitlist, daneses husband is on mine right now lol 

Name: krystinakoleen | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 2:08 PM
I don't know...with my son i started getting Braxton hicks at 16 weeks. And i wouldn't really mind the contractions if i knew they were BH but i've had a preterm birth at 22 week so i am deathly afraid of contractions and the baby's heartrate dropping worries me. LOL yeah well let me know when you wake up so you can add him LOL Thats how i was when i had my son from 34 weeks on...and i got pretty fed up...aren't they inducing you soon?? 

Name: Coartney | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 2:11 PM
well if youve had a preterm labor you def need to keep an eye on this, whether you hate the hospitals or not.. youd think everyone would be a bit more concerned since youve already had a failed pregnancy. thats stupid. well when i wake up i have to go to the doctors, and im sure ill be adding him to my list today too .. lol but if hes still a dick around 4pm let me know hahah and yeh im supposed to be induced the 23rd 

Name: krystinakoleen | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 2:15 PM
thats cool, only a little bit longer for you!! Yeah i am watching...this just sucks REALLY bad....I am going to talk to my Dr i think and explain my situation and maybe he can get me in his office today..that would be a little better...My last pregnancy he prescribed Trabutalane to stop my contractions...maybe he can do that as long as they aren't productive. *sigh* I'm just so exhausted...I'll let you know how hes acting lol
good luck at your Dr appointment, maybe you'll be dialated to like 5 and they just induce now?!
I'm gonna go try walking and everything. Thanks everyone and i will keep you updated 

Name: mother2five | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 2:19 PM
Noo NOO never walk around when your having contractions before your baby is safe to be born, walking causes contractions to become stronger and it helps to regulate them. You want to load up onfluid intake, lying on your left side, and relaxing. My Dr. always told me to breath in and out deeply and relax my whole body. If they persist even after changing pos. then you should call your Dr. asap. 

Name: dmt | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 2:30 PM
Are the contractions causing you to dialate?
I know this might be hard to do but try not to argue stress doesnt't help.
If you are doing all the things you can and its stil not stopping the contractions they do have medication to help stop contractions. I was on Brethine I do believe it was called to stop contraction with my first. I don't know if you need it or not your doctor would have to figure that out. If your having these again and they don't stop make an appt. to see your doctor. With all three pregnancies I was pron to braxton hicks contractions. Thats when you have contractions but they don't actually make you dialate. Just make sure to keep your doctor aware of whats going on.

good luck,

Name: Randi | Date: Apr 16th, 2007 2:34 PM
What, you're not going to offer to adopt her baby? 

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