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Name: babygirl26
[ Original Post ]
Ok, I went today for my 37 week check up, and I"m still not dialating, I mean NOTHING!!!! My doctor said in 2 more weeks we would talk about induction, but I am so miserable, my feet are so swollen(I have a scar on my ankle, and it feels like it's about to pop open when I walk)......I mean my mom never dialated, and I'm worried that I won't ethier, and just have to have a c-section. Is there anything you can do to make your self dialate, or is there any hope she will come earlier?
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Name: julie23 | Date: Aug 8th, 2006 4:00 AM
the same thing happed to me on my 1st!! It was a week efore my due date and i was still not dialiated at all.. she made another appointed on my due date and said we would talk induceing, 3 days before my due date,,,bang..... went in labour all by myself. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Aug 8th, 2006 10:57 AM
I had an appointment 3 days before I actually went into the hospital to have my son. I wasn't dilated at all. So I went home, had my husband go get me some more raspberry tea and sat on the couch drinking it. 3 days later I called my doctor because I wasn't feeling right, didn't feel any sort of pain (I was expecting labor to be worse then the contraction that I was having or had) except when I was done going to the bathroom. So I called my doctor and talked to the nurse who insisted that I had a bladder infection. I sat on the phone with her for 20 minutes insisting that this was not a bladder infection before I blew up at her. Went in, apparently was having contraction through out my exam, was asked how far about my contraction were of course I didn't know and she didn't believe me. It turned out that my contractions where three minutes appart and I was 4 cm dilated. Went to the hospital, 5 hours later my son was born. 

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