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Name: jane
[ Original Post ]
I'm really on my own here and I don't have any female frineds to talk to about this. I'm 34 weeks and I have no clue what to expect I want to get the epidural how bad is this going to be? I just need to know what kind of pain to expect I am so scared
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Name: kristin | Date: May 10th, 2006 4:58 PM
It hurts like hell!!!! I got an epidural at 5 cm and after that...smooth sailing. didnt feel a thing, in fact it got really boring. I was in labor for about 30 hrs, but only about 10 of it could I feel the contractions. I know you are scared......I would get an epidural. its worth it! 

Name: just me | Date: May 10th, 2006 4:58 PM
To be completly honest with you my labor wasn't so bad. I expected much much worse. I did have an epidural and that hurt more then delivering the baby. I felt fine by the end of that day and wasn't to to sore either. Everyone is different and you never know but it isn't something to worry about. I always say if you think it will be bad then it will be if you think positive then it will go so much better without the extra stress. Then you get to enjoy that little baby that you worked so hard at having 

Name: Stephanie | Date: May 10th, 2006 6:04 PM
I was put into labor by pitocin and the contractions hurt like hell towards the beginning of active labor...early labor was a breeze! I got an epidural around 3 cm and quickly went to a 5 but ended up sticking at a 5 and 13 hours later...I had a beautiful baby girl via c-section. The epidural WAS a little uncomfortable but nothing compared to the contractions. When I went back for my c-section they just loaded me up with epi meds and they gave me the shakes something horrible. I couldnt even hold on to the bed rail...GOOD LUCK! 

Name: Mrs. Finney | Date: May 10th, 2006 6:05 PM
Oh good Kristen... scare the poor girl... it's not all that bad, but I had to have an epidural with both my boys. 

Name: kristin | Date: May 10th, 2006 6:34 PM
just being honest! it hurts. I'm scared to do it again! Regardless if you think it hurts or doesnt hurt.....it is well worth it. You get a beautiful baby in the end! 

Name: Mrs. Finney | Date: May 10th, 2006 6:44 PM
Yes I know, but it varies from person to person too.. you have to keep that in mind... some withstand pain better than others... to be honest, it hurt a lot for me too, but I barely remember the pain now.. my oldest is 11 and my youngest is 3... I don't even remember how bad it hurt. I'm trying to get pregnant again.. my husband and I are trying for a girl, so it can't be that bad if women keep trying. Right?? 

Name: kristin | Date: May 10th, 2006 6:49 PM
haha...ya I cant belive soon i will be a mom of 2! two boys!! i'm due June 2nd. getting anxious! Pain does vary from person to person, I agree. I get a paper cut and think I am dying...I am such a baby with pain. So labor was hard for me. THis time I feel a little more prepared, but nervous. I was in labor for so long the first time, I guess I just keep comparing this pregnancy with the first Hopefully this labor is shorter. I guess I will find out soon enough:) 

Name: kristin | Date: May 10th, 2006 6:51 PM
Oh and miss finney....good luck on getting a girl! I want a girl next time too. Hopefully it will work out that way! 

Name: just me | Date: May 10th, 2006 7:05 PM
I am having a girl in aug. My first was a boy he is now 5. I had a lot of problems with him that made labor seem like a piece of cake....I had my heart shocked....all kinds of heart iv meds.....induced labor ....by then i was so exhaused that i didnt even notice any pain....they "forced" me to get the epidural due to my cardiac problems and that needle going in was the most painful thing from the whole experience. I think a little pain is nothing compared to what you could have to deal with like getting your heart shocked. The pain goes away....there are much more serious things that could go wrong other then a bit of pain. Don't worry about it so much, no need to think about wether or not it will hurt. ....you will know soon enough 

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