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Name: Kelly
[ Original Post ]
I am about 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I'm 16 years old. I want the baby to come so badly but shes not coming out. At night i have a very difficult time. I feel like she is literally trying to push her head down further and I feel a lot of pain, but its not contractions. It just hurts when she moves and there is so much pressure. I am 1 cm. dilated and still waiting. Any suggestions on how to progress things a little. Did anyone experience these things during their last week??
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Name: Chris | Date: Jan 7th, 2006 4:45 AM
Kelly, I felt the same way. I had such a great pregnancy and I thought I never wanted it to end, then the last month came. There's just no room and every time the baby moves it hurts. I had a hard time walking, the last few days at work I just dreaded those stairs. (I made it 10 days past my due date till I was induced and I kept going in to work till the end.) There were even times I went to the bathroom but couldn't get up right away because my baby was moving so much and it hurt. He moved all through labor that way. He even fought the contractions and kicked back! Don't worry, a few more days. I tried walking, stairs, cleaning, spicy food, sex...unfurtunately there's even more but they didn't work for me. Babies are stubborn and have their own plans, what's funny is that mine is still that way now. 

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