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Name: A Mom To Be
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Hey, I am the prude of all prudes, you all know that anyway my sex drive wasn't the highest and I mainly wanted to have sex of late to conceive but now we are pregnant (be it only a few days) my desire/appetite has increased and it is nice. Is this a short lived moment?

How has it been for you all in the first trimester, second and third?
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Name: Kyra | Date: Jun 12th, 2007 10:10 AM
I'm sure it'll come and go although I bet it has to do with the stress of 'trying' of your mind and now you can truely appreciate it for what it is!
My libido was MIA until about 20 weeks and is only starting to peter-off now at 31...
Congrats though on your preg!! 

Name: briseis | Date: Jun 12th, 2007 10:52 AM
Since I found out I was pregnany on January 12th, I've had sex 2 times. Yup! 2 time in 5 months, and counting! I didn't want to risk it in the 1st trimester. (plus I had no sex drive I was so ill) My sex drive increased in the 2nd trimester, so I had sex once and that was ok. Then a couple of weeks later, we had sex again, and within minutes I was bleeding. After an emergency ultrasound and icky internal, it was discovered that during sex, my fiancé had damaged the inside of my cervix causing it to bleed. I had 2 cervical erosions. They're not serious. But we decided not to have sex again for as long as I am pregnant. Then I know I have to wait about 6 weeks after I give birth before I'm allowed to have sex again, so it will probably be November by the time I get laid again! 

Name: Angelcecilia2 | Date: Jun 12th, 2007 11:00 AM
When I first found out I was pregnant, we couldn't keep our hands off each other for about 2 weeks...then the tiredness set in and I would fall asleep long before we could even think about it! Late 2nd trimester, it kinda came back, but was starting to get awkward because of my growing belly...but we did our best. Then towards the end, i had lots of desire, but little energy, so again, did the best we could (and we were trying to get her out!). It will come and go, and you'll have to be creative as your belly grows....but enjoy what you can! 

Name: automansgirl | Date: Jun 12th, 2007 1:59 PM
For me it has come and gone. In the first I really just didn't feel up to it. Now in the second it hasn't really found it's stride yet. One day I don't want any and the next that's all I want! Enjoy it when you do want it. 

Name: hazelsweetp | Date: Jun 12th, 2007 2:55 PM
I think it depends, I had a very high sex drive through all my pregnancies which was hard becasue I was high risk, so we had to change some of our sexual habits a bit but I love sex during pregnancy it feels so much more intense. We stayed very active right up until the end and love it. I have had friends that didn' want sex at all and then ones who wanted it all the time ..than there is the it comes and goes. It is different for everyone. For me my sex life with my husband isn't a tame one so during pregnancies we had to tame it down alot and I couldn't handle sex going pass the 30 minute mark either so we had to make some adjustments but other than that not much changed. After pregnancy we pick back up where we lefted off and haven't missed a beat. Now with this pregnancy we plan to do the same thing but not inhabit our sexual desires. 

Name: vane20 | Date: Jun 12th, 2007 8:52 PM
at the beginning of my pregnancy, my sex drive wasnt as high as it had been before. We had sex about twice a week. Then when my second trimester began (im 23 weeks btw) it went REALLY high. The bad thing though, is that my dr. told me to limit intercourse to once a week because of some bladder problems i was having. Well that was about a month ago, so we've started to have more sex now...i should ask the dr. though, but i cant help it!!! I wish we could do it every single day!!! 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Jun 12th, 2007 9:15 PM
mine is always high before being pregnant, during and after, but im also not getting any since Chris isn't here but its different for every one 

Name: A Mom To Be | Date: Jun 13th, 2007 9:11 AM
I never really had one before and now I want it, so I am glad it is normal. I am so tired already and it is only very very very early in our pregnancy so I think it may also take a back seat in our house too. 

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