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Name: Amber
[ Original Post ]
Hi...I'm 7 weeks pregnant. I've been trying to quit but I just can't do it. I'm so misserable right now and dunno what to do. i've tried to cut down and able to make it from 20 sticks a day to 7 sticks a day. I want to QUIT and just dunno how...I'm scared to tell my doctor about it. PLEASE anybody out there who has advice for me???
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Name: Michelle | Date: Jul 20th, 2005 11:00 AM
I was a smoker too! But because of wanting to have a baby, I was lucky that I had quit from smoking 3 weeks before my conception. It's hard I know, but knowing and considering that there's a life growing inside you, you really need to give it up, for your baby... You can do it! All you've got to have is the courage to do it. Think about your baby and not just yourself.

I'm proud to say I'd never had a single puff since April 2005 until this very moment! 

Name: Jenni | Date: Jul 20th, 2005 12:35 PM
I agree with michelle, I smoked too, and when I found out that I was pregnant, I quit....cold turkey. The first week was hard, very hard. But after that you don't even think about it. I chewed lots of gum, everytime I wanted a cigarette, I had gum instead 

Name: lisa29063 | Date: Jul 20th, 2005 2:31 PM
hi i'm in the same boat as you are.
i'm 12 weeks and i have tried to cut back and tried to quit,yes it's hard.
i'm going to ask my doctor if there is something i can take to help me and that's it's safe for the baby.
if you need someone to talk to i'm here...lisa 

Name: Amber | Date: Jul 22nd, 2005 2:07 PM
Hi Michelle, Jenni and Lisa... thanx for sharing with me...i've tried everything. i chewed gums but it doesn't work..i'm still trying so hard. managed to cut down to 5 sticks though. i agree with u lisa...i should tell my doctor and ask if there's anything that i can take to help me. i have an appt with my doctor tomorrow for my first u/s...i'm soooo nervous...hope everything's fine.... 

Name: Larni | Date: Jul 26th, 2005 3:45 PM
Hi Lisa
I was a pack a day smoker till last Thursday (when i found out) and I havent had a ciggie since. I started chewing gum but found that made me want a smoke, so i got some hard boiled sweets to suck on (butterscotch) and its working a treat. Drink lots and lots of water as well. Cold Turkey is hard, i did it with my first pregnancy as well, but just think... the cravings only lasts a few seconds and once you get through a whole week the rest is plain sailing.

Good Luck 

Name: Michelle M. | Date: Jul 30th, 2005 5:15 AM
Hi Larni,
I just found out I am pregnant last Thursday also!!! On the down side I am also a smoker and have cut down. I was able to quit cold turkey with my last 2 children, but that was 11 years ago. I did not have any trouble then quitting, but I guess I have been smoking for much longer now, at the time I had not smoked for very long, plus I was very sick with the others, I have not been sick yet. I almost want to be sick so maybe it will help me quit. I hate it, because I am so against smoking around my children. Keep me in your prayers ladies!!!! Tough habit to break, this time once I do, I don't want to go back!!! Due 4/4/05. 

Name: vanessa | Date: Jul 30th, 2005 9:54 AM
Well im going to be honest. Im 41 weeks pregnant and have smoked through this whole pregnancy some days a packet and some days about 10. I went to the doctor to get patches but was told they shouldnt be used in pregnancy. I know smokings bad for me and the baby and I do feel guilty. At 36 weeks I had an ultrasound and they said the baby was about 7 pounds already. Ive had four ultrasounds and everythings fine. If you cant quit at least try and cut down. My midwife said if I keep it to about ten a day it shouldnt cause to many problems. Good luck. 

Name: heather | Date: Aug 2nd, 2005 5:31 PM
qiut being selfish and think about that baby!!!! 

Name: Angel Falling from the Sky | Date: Aug 2nd, 2005 6:24 PM
Hi Amber I don't want to tell u what to do,but I can make a comment that now that u are 7 weeks pregnant and u try to quit smoking and u fell misserable is normal, to feel this way, I would to tell you, that u not alone any more, and if u take charge of u life and u baby life, is not dificult, make a decision clear in your mind what are your first goals and dreams, remember you given life to a new baby, that need you, and wants to have a healthy life the same as u, please make that commitment and try to find your way to have a healty life and provided to your unborn baby a joy life and happiness, and a lot of love from u..take care and good luck...this is angel from the sky 

Name: ilene | Date: Aug 2nd, 2005 9:14 PM
amber gurl thats just selfish of u to think only about ur self u cod have a misscarraige and be more misserable than u are now koeing u caused its dealth i koe its sounds harsh but thats the reality if it, and if ur really serious about quitting like u say u are y u should tell ur soc. they can help u quit and put u on a special program that can save ur baby's life. well just think on that -k- 

Name: Francine | Date: Aug 5th, 2005 1:44 PM
Hey Amber, I think that what's really important during a pregnancy is that you are really relaxed and happy, if this means continuing to smoke then I would say carry on - you really shouldnt put yourself under too much strain. I smoked around a pack/day through both my pregnancies and my kids are just fine :) 

Name: Cheyenne | Date: Aug 12th, 2005 5:08 PM
talk to ypur doctor about it chances are he or she can aid you in quitting or talk to a close friend or councellor 

Name: STEPHYY | Date: Aug 12th, 2005 5:50 PM
Having someone who is supportive of you really helps...being pregnant now...i've quit...again... =) like i did the first one. your baby is the most precious gift god can give you...and you have to think about that baby. the baby is helpless...and needs you as its mother to protect him/her // its easy if you put your baby first. 

Name: Jenn | Date: Aug 12th, 2005 10:51 PM
I am 5 weeks pregnant and chewing nicotine gum like crazy. Seems to work pretty well, just getting to darn expensive! Giving up is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but I know it is the only thing to do. Bood luck to you!! I know you can do it!! 

Name: Rachel | Date: Sep 13th, 2005 1:45 PM
hey there,

I found out I was pregnant when I was 6 weeks gone. Up until that moment, I smoked 30 cigs a day!!! The moment I knew I was pregnant, I quit smoking. It was hard, extremely hard...sometimes impossible. But no matter how tough it was, I suffered it out. The life inside me, is more important than my own - and i just could not do that to the little baby. I am due in four weeks time and Im so proud to say I haven't had a single puff. I have also quit alcohol completely and my night time tranquillisers. As hard as it has been the past months, it has been worth it. You can do this if you really want to. You make a choice whether to put your child first or to smoke. You decide. Good luck, I hope you can quit. 

Name: amena | Date: Sep 13th, 2005 5:24 PM
Amber, I absolutely know how you feel. I smoke a pack a day, well that's on a good day. I tried to quit with my first one who is now 10 1/2 mos. old and had a horrible and unsuccessful run at it. I felt guilty the whole time and hid it from my husband until the last month I got caught. My mother smoked while pregnant w/ my brother and myself, and same for my mother in law and her two sons. We are all fine, no asthma or anything. My son however was 5 weeks early but healthy as a horse and so far no problems to be found. He's never been sick or even had an ear infection. For the most part my advice to you is to do the best you can, 50 yrs ago women were encouraged to smoke to keep their weight down and there's still tons of 50 yr olds out there. I am pregnant again (7 weeks) and trying to quit again. The way i see I need to save my money and either buy alot of nicorette, which my doctor said is safe, OR go see a hypnotist which I am seriously considering. Good Luck. Our due dates are probably very close together. Feel free to email me @ [email protected]


Name: Rebekah | Date: Sep 13th, 2005 6:49 PM
I was also a smoker and I quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant. There is really nothing to help you except for will power. I quit cold turkey and yes, I was going INSANE until I got used to it, but you have to think of what is more important!! Good luck! 

Name: heather | Date: Sep 13th, 2005 8:27 PM
are you crazy? you HAVE to stop...whats more inmportant to you, your baby or your cigarrettes? your health should be number one at all times anyways but ecspecially when your pregnant. if you dont stop now, so many things can happen to you and your baby. you know its not healthy for your baby to be exposed to smoke at any time, so why dont you give it up? yea, its hard but you have to think about whats more important. 

Name: Trinni | Date: Sep 14th, 2005 10:19 PM
I am the same a Michelle, I just found out that I was PG on saturday and I haven't smoked since thursday(I thought I was PG) i quit cold turkey also, but it is EXTREMELY HARD!!!!! My fiance smokes also...the first couple of days I thought I would barf when I would smell smoke, but now I start feening....I have been using those listerine breathe thingies...every time I think of smoking I pop in one of those...I have great compliments on my breath all day...lol....you don't want you child to have asthma if you can help it or be really small...just keep trying your best...at least you are trying, some women don't give a rats tail about it. Find something else you can replace the cigs with..I hope I have helped you ......GOOD LUCK GIRLIE!!! 

Name: karen | Date: Sep 15th, 2005 3:22 AM
i smoke , will this cause a miscarriage? 

Name: amena | Date: Sep 15th, 2005 5:09 AM
I believe the march of dimes statistic on miscarriages and smoking are this. 12.2 percent of women who smoke during pregnancy will miscarry and only 7 percent of women who don't smoke will miscarry. 

Name: Katie | Date: Sep 15th, 2005 2:28 PM
I am five wks pregnant. When first found out, I laid out a plan. 7 the first day, 6 the second, etc. When my "allowance" got smaller I would start smoking half and butting it. It would make me think I was smoking more but really I was smoking alot less. After that first week, I stopped completly. It is still hard at times, but this baby is more important to me than a nicotine fix. Good Luck! 

Name: heather | Date: Sep 15th, 2005 3:38 PM
katie, have you already had your baby and do you know for sure that everything is ok even though it was exposed to smoke? 

Name: Katie | Date: Sep 16th, 2005 7:06 PM
Heather, no I have not had the baby yet. However, I am fairly confidant that since I only smoked for a week after finding out I was pregnant rather than continuing to hold on to my pack-a-day habit that the baby will be fine. Especially considering that some women smoke throughout their entire pregnancy with no health risks. 

Name: heather | Date: Sep 16th, 2005 9:22 PM
katie how old are you? i was jw because i hear that the older you get the more you have to be careful with. 

Name: Sara | Date: Sep 17th, 2005 9:51 AM
Jut stop smoking its not hard. Anyone who says it is is just lazy. 

Name: Pam | Date: Sep 18th, 2005 7:30 PM
I am 22 weeks pregnant. I was a smoker as well, but i quite smoking in march. I was going to start back up when i found out i was pregnant. Its not hard to stop smoking i smoked for 16 years. I stopped cold turkey. The one thing is when you are smoking you are being selfish. you are messing up the health of a child that does not have the choice. Saying its hard and finding reasons on why your smoking shows weakness as well as you don't want to stop smoking. You have to think about your baby not yourself. 

Name: amena | Date: Sep 18th, 2005 11:00 PM
wow, I've never heard so many judgemental people in my entire life. She asked for advice not for the guilt trip heard round the world...the majority of people here aren't even giving amber advice. She's obviously understands how important it is to quit smoking and it sounds like 20 to 7 cigs a day is a pretty successful effort thus far. How about some encouragement from some people who didn't quit cold turkey and did struggle with it...not from self righteous "how could you be so selfish" hypocrits. 

Name: amanda | Date: Sep 23rd, 2005 9:54 PM
Don't be selffish! You have nine months in your life to not think about your self , but about the baby. I smoked and I quit the minute I knew I was pregnant. I realize it is hard, and I still crve them, but I would never want to harm my baby!!! 

Name: carissa | Date: Oct 30th, 2005 3:01 AM
most doctors will nagg u till the end of the pregnancy about stoppin i understand its not very healthy for u or the baby i am a smoker myself and u know what the doctor told me a very honest man at that he said u shouldnt smoke as i tell all my patience BUT IF QUITTING COLD TURKEY IS GOING TO STRESS OUT YOUR BODY IT IS GOING TO ALSO STRESS OUT YOUR BABY AND STRESS IS 100 TIMES WORSE ON THAT BABY THAN SMOKING now this is comming straight from my doctor i did cut down with both my boys and again with my daughter i had perfectly healthy 7 and 8 lb babies and now just found out our daughter is so big we may have to be induced soon i am 36 weeks now and she is almost 7 lbs already :( scary lol but good luck and DONT STRESS ABOUT IT JUST TRY TO DO YOUR BEST CUT BACK AS MUCH AS U CAN AND I AM POSSITIVE YOUR BABY WILL BE PERFECT!! 

Name: nicole | Date: Oct 31st, 2005 6:57 PM
before i found out i was pregnant i smoked between 20 and 30 cigarettes a day, i'm ashamed to say that no matter how hard i've tried i haven't been able to quit, but i've cut down to less than 10 a day, which is what the doctor said to do if i couldn't quit. For those of you saying its selfish, you need to realise how addictive smoking is, most people can't just stop. 

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