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Name: MyTwoBabies
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So I went for my u/s today and I was suppose to find out the sex, but I didn't. The lady was being a freaking bitch. Everytime I would ask her if the baby looks healthy so far and she would say i will tell you when I am finished. She was doing the longest u/s ever so I asked can you see the sex and she says I haven't checked yet. Then I ask for pictures and she gives me these 2 crappy pix. She then says it might be a girl, but I can't really tell I dont see anything between the legs, but I am not sure. At this point I am beyond pissed. She then tells this other lady to just check what the sex is and I say I have to pee. So I go to the bathroom come back and she is gone and leaves me with some new lady. Then when she goes and checks the baby had turned and was facing down and she couldn't tell. You ladies can't imagine all the insults that ran through my mind. I couldn't find the first lady anywhere and I don't even know if everything was good with the baby. Now I have to wait for my doctor's visit on Monday to see how my baby is doing. I am just so mad!
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Name: .RoSey. | Date: May 18th, 2007 12:55 AM
uh... they dont tell u the sex till after.. because they go from the head.. ( looking at brain development ) then the organs.. and THEN last priority is the sex.. the whole point in a scan is to see if your baby is developing properly .. the last thing on there mind is the gender lol.. 

Name: MyTwoBabies | Date: May 18th, 2007 12:58 AM
I had asked if the baby is doing good and she didn't even answer me. Everything I asked her she just kept saying when she finishes and when she did I went to the bathroom and came out she was gone. She was rude. 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: May 18th, 2007 12:59 AM
oh real thats pretty stink.. my scan was ok.. not the FRIENDLIEST lady.. but she told me everything as she went thru it.. 

Name: MyTwoBabies | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:05 AM
I was pissed! I was looking forward to this day since I made the appointment last month and look what a bummer. I couldn't even see the screen. She had it facing just her and usually they tilt it so I can see it too. She was the worst u/s lady ever. She ignored me to the fullest extent. 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:10 AM
LOL what ~?!??! you didnt even get to see your baby on the screen ?!?! THATS the whole EXCITING PART ABOUT IT !!! my god.. u should go back there and talk to the manager.. explain what happened.. 

Name: missheather | Date: May 18th, 2007 2:04 AM
Oh, I'm sorry she was so rude. I really liked the guy who did mine. He explained everything he was checking and why. I couldn't find out the gender of mine either because the umbilical cord was between it's legs. I had to have my u/s with a full bladder, how come they let you use the bathroom? 

Name: MyTwoBabies | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:44 PM
I know she didn't pay no attention to me. I got to see the baby at the end when the new lady came, but that was for two min. I only had to have a full bladder for my first u/s. On this one they let me go pee. I had gone to this other office when I was pregnant with my first son and they explained everything as they went along. I should've complained, my mom was mad she was over here anxious to know what the sex of the baby is. I am going to see what my ob says pn Monday, but if anthing I have to wait for another 2 months for a u/s. 

Name: dmt | Date: May 18th, 2007 10:57 PM
I am so sorry I had a u/s tech. at the hospitol do that to me before. I used to be an ob ultrasound tech. I kept trying to lean up and see it. She made me so mad I saw enough to know that my baby was still alive but, I knew I was going to have a miscarraige. I was cramping and bleeding a lot. I felt like like she took my last oppurtunity to see my baby and say good bye away from me. I hope this makes you feel a little better. If there was something wrong with the baby we had to bring the doctor in to talk to them before they left. So I am assuming your baby is probaly fine. Sounds like you got a witch for a tech. When I used to do ultrasounds I use to point out all the body parts to the patient. I even learned the spanish words for the body for my Spanish patients. Did you get to see between the legs at all? I guess probaly not you said she wouldn't let you see the screen. If you saw between the legs if it was a boy you look for something that looks like a turtle. I know that sounds crazy but the testicles kind of look like a turtle shell and the pennis looks like a head poking out. Anyway I am so sorry that you had such a bad experience. It took me a long time to get over my bad ultrasound. I guess I still get a little illwhen I think about it. I mean how freaking hard is it to turn the screen a little and have a little compassion.

good luck,

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 18th, 2007 11:00 PM
i would be just as mad, what a bitch! 

Name: briseis | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:20 AM
The radiographer who did my 20-week scan was a little rude as well. I just asked if the baby was healthy, and the sex, and she did tell me. But she wasn't very friendly either. It felt like she just wanted to get it over with, and it felt rushed. 

Name: MyTwoBabies | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:56 PM
I am sorry dmt. I guess your right my baby is fine, but just the lady doing the u/s telling me the baby was fine would've pui me at ease. I know next time I go there she is not allowed to do it! My dr. app. is tomorrow so I will know if everything was okay. I tried to look at the screen and she complained and then hubby was making me laugh and she complained I'm like omg am I allowed to breath. 

Name: vane20 | Date: May 21st, 2007 10:51 PM
so sorry girl...these dumb drs. are like that...that's always their answer... "if something is wrong, you would've known..." blah, blah, blah. Dont worry, just dont see that dumb tech anymore. Hope u find out the sex of ur baby soon, but most of all, hope ur little one is fine. Im sure he/she is, cause the truth is, bad news DO travel fast, and it's already been what...3 workdays??? Don's stress and hope u feel better. Take care = ) 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: May 22nd, 2007 3:15 AM
here is the answer to this problem get a new doc asap! 

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