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Name: Jo
[ Original Post ]
I was supposed to start my most recent period on the 11th as well... and five days later I still haven't started. My cycle was on the 26-28 day track, so last Wednesday was the last day I should have started. Well, I noticed a couple other signs that are listed as probable signs of pregnancy, i.e. freq. urination, tenderness of the breast, and plain exhaustion were a couple. So I got the nerve and went and bought one of the home test. I was positive... It didn't even wait the minute it was supposed to... BRIGHT PINK LINE!
Now everyone wants to know why I'm confused? Well, I'm 21. I haven't been dating the father very long, and I know he doesn't want this baby. So how do I tell him?
And... What about this crying... I'm already stressed so much about telling him and my extended family, my mom is going with me tomorrow so she knows, and my friends... and wondering about the future. I know abortion and adoption just aren't right for me. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt and worry that I did the right thing. But what do I do about 'Dad?'

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
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Name: NIca | Date: May 16th, 2006 6:02 AM
Keep the baby and be proud tell the father if he wants to help, let him if he wants to be a dick hit him with child support...All I am saying you were choosen to bring life into this world by god and nothing will stop you from having a good life...


Name: Sarah H | Date: May 16th, 2006 7:29 AM
Darling you answered your own question. You have told your mother and your friends. Now you will be telling the rest. You have sealed the deal. Just keep focus on yourself and your baby now. You can't go back and you can't change it. He will get over it or he won't. there is no rule in the big book of pregnancy that says a man has to be there. Sure it will be tuff sweetie but sounds to me like you have your Mom and friends and that's all you really need. I wish you the best of luck! 

Name: Jo | Date: May 16th, 2006 12:20 PM
Thanks ladies! I just worry... my bad habit I guess... And while my mother was married to my father, I never really knew him... and I would hate for that to happen to my baby... But I guess... Look at me. I turned out okay! 

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