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Name: gina
[ Original Post ]
Just came from my OB and the baby was due May 13th. He checked and said if I don't have this baby in the next week he will induce my labor. I read somewhere that inducing labor makes the pains way worse. Is that true? My bf and I were together and all that did was make the baby kick. A friend told me that when her baby was late she pressed the top and sided of her belly while swatting and pushing and she had her baby the next morning. I also heard that there is a spot on your ankle that if you rub it contractions will start. (I can't even reach my ankles LOL)
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Name: Mrs. Finney | Date: May 19th, 2006 5:12 PM
all I can say is HA HA HA HA... the ankle thing is way funny.... don't ask me about inducing labor hurting more, I couldn't tell you... I have had two kids... my first was induced, but they also ran an epidural line at the same time, so I felt nothing... the second one started au naturale, but I ended up with an epidural after a few hours of that too... 

Name: Lori | Date: May 19th, 2006 5:29 PM
They induced labor with #1 at 36 weeks because my water broke and yes the pitocin does make the contractions come faster and harder. Without Pitocin your body knows what you can handle and allows contractions to come farther apart and less painful but Pitocin doesnt know how to do that as it is a med, not natural. Not to scare you though of course you can indure it and will get by with no problem, the pain fades so quickly after you give birth plus they have so many pain meds available if you want to go that route. With #3 at 34 weeks I was done I was ready to have him as I had been contracting since 26 weeks and ws already dilated 3 cm at 26 weeks and was just off of bedrest, I did nipple simulation the whole night and could feel the different inthe contractions and I had him the next day. That was the only inducing labor technique that worked for that and walking. They also say semen helps soften the cervix. Did you OB say you were at all dilated or effaced or at least soft? Good luck to you!! Walk hon Walk I swear that worked for all 3 of mine. :) 

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