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Name: Worried
[ Original Post ]
I'm wondering if anyone know anything about the strep B test. I'm 37 1/2 week and I just foudn out from my doctor that Im positive for it. She told me that will have to have antibotics when I go into labor. I'm worried because I have been having sex with my boyfriend, and I'm 1 cm dialiate. So will having sex push the strep b to my baby and make him get sick?? Anyone know, Im really worried!!!!!
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Name: Chris | Date: Jan 18th, 2006 9:24 PM
I would just ask your Dr. My test was negative, but from what I understand, it's a pretty common thing. They just add the antibiotics to your IV drip while you are in labor and you never even notice it. I'm sure if you needed to be concerned, your Dr. would have said something to you about it. (I was told to stay away from sex at 34 weeks when I started having contractions early.) Just call and ask to give yourself a piece of mind. 

Name: elle | Date: Jan 19th, 2006 4:52 AM
The doctors only worry about strep B coming in contact with your baby's eyes during delivery. That's when it causes a problem. Like Chris said, the doctors will just hook you up to an IV during labor. Right now your baby is protected inside the amniotic sac, so you don't need to worry about the strep getting to the baby. 

Name: Worried | Date: Jan 20th, 2006 4:42 PM
Thanks!! My doctor told me that its a pretty common thing and not to worry. I go back to see her on monday. My mother in-law told me that I'm a group B strep carrier and that I should not kiss the baby cause I can give it to him that way? And that I can give it to someone by even sharing a coke with them. This sounds pretty crazy to me, but anythink this is correct? Im planning on breastfeeding but I dont want to take any chances giveing this to my baby! 

Name: elle | Date: Jan 20th, 2006 7:10 PM
Strep B lives in the intestines and/or vagina of people who are carriers. Therefore, kissing your baby will NOT infect him. Nor will sharing a coke. Breastfeeding is completely safe for your baby. I'm a carrier also, and I breastfed my son and he is perfectly healthy.

Just some extra info....Strep A is the kind of strep that you get in your throat. That's the one that's contagious. 

Name: Worried | Date: Jan 20th, 2006 9:40 PM
Thanks elle that makes me feel alot better. My mother in law is a little nuts!!! But I like to be saft than sorry! 

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