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Name: MyTwoBabies
[ Original Post ]
I actually having a problems with taking my son off formula. He is 13 months and he is still drinking similac isomil. We tried giving him regular cows milk, but since he is lactose intolerant he got the runs. So we gave him lactaid milk and he refuses to drink it. We warmed it up and gave him it cold still he doesn't budge. I even put all types of flavoring for it and he went almost a whole day without eating because he hated them all. I know he shouldn't be drinking that, but I don't know what to do. He does eat other things, but not a large amount he is such a picky eater. Any suggestions?
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Name: Randi | Date: Nov 25th, 2007 6:13 PM
Keep him on formula. It's ok for him to be on it until he is 2. My son drinks soy formula and he will be on it until then. They need 2 cups a day at least, whether it's whole milk or formula. They need the fat for brain development etc. 

Name: 04nidak | Date: Nov 25th, 2007 6:27 PM
Like Randi said you could keep him on formula or you could try mixing his formula and milk (lactaid) together. Start by adding more formula then milk and then gradually decrease the amount of formula until he is off it completely. My sons pediatrician had me start giving him vitamins once he was transitioning off of formula, it was recommended to us to use the enfamil polyvisol liquid vitamins (best to mix it with milk or cereal) and then once he turned 2 I started giving him my first flintstone vitamins. Since he's a picky eater you may want to try that. Good luck! :-) 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Nov 26th, 2007 10:00 AM
if anything if you want him off formula try skim milk. im lactose intolerant and think lactaid is disgusting, so i drink soy with no problems. now 1-2 or whole milk, im in the same situation crying like your kid lol 

Name: MyTwoBabies | Date: Nov 27th, 2007 9:36 PM
I would keep him on the formula, but it's a lot of money to buy since wic will longer provide it because he is one. I will try mxing it. I will even try the skim milk if it fails. I just want to get him off of it. Thanks! 

Name: jillw | Date: Nov 28th, 2007 2:23 PM
my son was on formula until he was about 18mo ish and then I changed to lactose free milk until he was three or so. They only had lactaid back then, but now they have a ton of soy based milk that doesn;t taste too bad, and think about it if babies are cool with formula they will be ok with the lactose free or soy type of milk. Good luck to ya. 

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