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Name: Vicki
[ Original Post ]
My daugther is 5 weeks pregnant. On THursday her breasts were so tender she could hardly stand it and on Friday she had no tenderness. She had a miscarriage in October and is very paranoid. She has no other symptoms of a miscarriage. Has anyone experienced this? I am trying to reassure her everything is fine. Thanks for any input.
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Name: amy | Date: May 20th, 2006 3:37 PM
dont worry if the symptoms go and come pregnancy is differnt for every one you should really get one of them heart things to put both ur minds at rest it worked with me i still worryin about my baby and im 35 weeks and because shes had a misscarriage before i bet its one big scary ride for her dont worry about it though xxx good luck xxx 

Name: Vicki | Date: May 20th, 2006 3:49 PM
Thank you Amy, what is the heart thing you are talking about? Is it something you can buy? She is only 5 weeks along, is that too early. It is a scary ride, thank you for understanding!! I would gladly get the heart thing you are talking about, just haven't heard of it. Vicki 

Name: Chris R | Date: May 21st, 2006 1:48 AM
Wow, that is scary for her. I think even if there was a miscarriage, you wouldn't completely lose all of your symptoms overnight, sometimes you can test positive for a few weeks after one, the hormones are lower, but still in your body. I'm with Amy, my symptoms have varied in this pregnancy, which scared me at first since my first pregnancy had terrible morning sickness all of the time. My Dr. reassured me that all pregnancies are different, and I'm doing well at 9 weeks now, still sick, but my symptoms have changed some since earlier in my pregnancy. I don't know if you can reassure your daughter till she makes it well into that second trimester. Once you can hear the heartbeat though there are monitors that you can buy really anywhere and it allows you to hear your baby's heartbeat, probably won't work for her yet, but it is a nice idea, offer some reassurance throughout her pregnancy. I hope she's doing well! 

Name: Vicki | Date: May 21st, 2006 2:41 AM
Thank you so much Chris. She felt better today and had a little bit of soreness back in her breasts. Her Drs. office took blood yesterday and is going to take it again on Monday to check the levels to see if they are progressing and I think that will make her feel some better. She said she just wanted to hear someone say that it was normal and I think she feels some better tonight. I think the hearbeat monitor is a good idea. Well, it is going to be a long seven more weeks till the first trimester is over. thank you so much for your concern and help. 

Name: amy | Date: May 21st, 2006 8:13 AM
vicki its called a heart system i think u can buy them off ebay i will send u a link if u like i think they can detect the heart beat at 6 weeks so it should be mind easing for the both of u 

Name: Vicki | Date: May 21st, 2006 12:39 PM
Thank you so much Amy, I did find it and I think it will be reassuring. You guys are great! 

Name: amy | Date: May 21st, 2006 1:13 PM
your wellcome hope every thing goes well for your daughter and the pregnancy keep us posted 

Name: VIcki | Date: May 21st, 2006 4:41 PM
I will!! 

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