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Name: I couldn't respond, so....
[ Original Post ]
Yes, a sonogram and an ultrasound are the same thing. There are several terms for ultrasound. For instance, the type you would have on your heart would be called cardiosonogram or echocardiogram. The type you would have on your leg is called vascularsonogram. I used to major in cardiosonography, and I recently got into an argument with the cardiologist's receptionist about the term because the dummy did not realize that a cardio sonogram is the same as an ultrasound on the heart. I was trying to make an appointment for a cardiosonogram AKA echocardiogram, and by me using the word ultrasound she became confused. Duh! Anyway, to answer your question the ultrasound is the same as a sonogram. Sonogram is an older term, and ultrasound is the newer and more fancier term.
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Name: happy moma | Date: Dec 13th, 2005 5:36 PM
Thank you for clearing it up. I appreciate it. 

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