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Name: soon2bmommy
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So more than one person has told me recently that my baby has dropped. I know what that means, but does it mean labor is close? Or is it one of those things where it could happen weeks and weeks before labor? I am so ready not to be pregnant anymore!! I am 36 weeks.
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Name: S A R A H | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 1:16 AM
doesnt really mean labor is close..its just indicating that you are in the final stages...and your kiddo is getting ready and is on his/her way.

Friend of mine dropped about 2 weeks ago..and she still has a good 7 weeks to go.

I dropped the day my waters broke..i took a picture and everyone goes WOW you have dropped..that night i was in labor..its really differnt for everyone..but like i said doesnt indicate for sure you are going into labor soon 

Name: Angelcecilia2 | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 2:01 AM
Everyone started telling me I dropped about 3 weeks ago, and I'm still waiting for my baby....I was 35 weeks. However, I've been in early labor for about 2 weeks now, so she only dropped about a week before I started dilating and effacing. I'm at 3 and at least 70% now, with her head in position. So, it's looking like it'll be any time now!

I know it's hard, b/c I'm ready now, esp since they started telling me it would prolly be before my due date (apr 15), but you at least want to make it to 37 so your baby is full term! 

Name: soon2bmommy | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 2:03 AM
well I have a doctor appointment wedneday for an ultrasouns because she is measuring big. So most likely they are going to move up my due date (from the way the doctor was talking). I am probably considered full term now lol. I just know it's so painful to have such a big tummy to haul around everywhere. I cant stand or walk for a long time without being in pain! 

Name: Coartney | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 3:50 AM
some peoples kids dont engage until they're actually getting ready to push. 

Name: Meagan | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 4:38 AM
ive dropped down a little bit.. I now have a gap between baby and my ribs!.. Thank-God!.... Its good to breath again...i'm only 31 weeks! 

Name: jaxjos | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 12:33 PM
I don't know if I ever dropped!! My belly looked the same right until the end (40w5d). I wasn't even dilating until I went into labour either, so I had no idea when it was going to happen, and the hospital kept sending me home after my water broke, so it doesn't necessarily mean u will be in labour anytime soon 

Name: mamal | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 12:55 PM
This may be some useful information.

"If this is your first baby, this process, which is also called lightening, is likely to occur several weeks before labor begins, though it may happen later. For subsequent pregnancies, lightening often doesn't occur before labor starts.

You may find that you feel a little different after your baby has dropped. Some pregnancy complaints may get worse, while others may improve. On the one hand, your baby will be taking up more room in your pelvis, so you'll probably find that you have to urinate even more often than before. You may get an uncomfortable feeling of pressure deep in your pelvis, feel increasing discomfort when you walk, and even begin to waddle a bit.

On the other hand, with less pressure on your stomach, you'll be able to eat a little more without feeling uncomfortably full, and if you've been suffering from heartburn, you may get some relief. You'll probably find that breathing feels easier, too.

While lightening isn't a predictor of when labor will start, it is a sign that your body's getting ready. It's normal to feel lightening up to four weeks before your due date. If you feel an increase in pelvic pressure or the sensation that your baby is "pushing down" before then, call your healthcare provider so she can evaluate you for preterm labor."


like you are right on track! 

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