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Name: missmara
[ Original Post ]
Hi Jill -
I was looking on the breastfeeding forum to see if anyone talked about bf after having breast reduction and I saw your thread. I was able to bf some with my first, but I had to work with a lactation consultant, and eventually I had to supplement. I started with about a 75% supply, but it did dwindle by the time my daughter was 3 months. Then I just nursed her at night and sometimes before naps.

You probably don't want to try pumping before delivering - one because the stimulation can bring on labor, and two because there is only a little colostrum and you really want the baby to get that. My breasts leaked a lot the last few months, so I thought I would be good to go, but I have to admit I was disappointed that I couldn't nurse exclusively. There is no way to tell until after you give birth. There are ways to boost your milk though. I'm going to ask my doctor if it is safe to start taking Fenugreek while I'm pregnant. My lactation consultant also had me pump between feedings, but that gets hard when you're also trying to get sleep! Also, one of my breasts produced way more than the other - probably just where the doctor cut. I had my reduction 12 years ago.

Sorry so long, just wanted you to know that I support you and would be interested to know if you find out anything about this. I'm going to be much more proactive this time because with my first I just assumed I'd be able to bf with no probs.
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Name: jillw | Date: Nov 7th, 2006 5:21 PM
Thank you so much. It is nice to talk to someone who has gone through this. I really hope that I am able to breast feed, but if I have to supplement at least the baby will get some of the good effects of breast milk. I did hear about the stimulation bring on labor so I will deff. not do that. I had mine done in 2000 I think that the dr did an ok job. the right is really good, but the left is not as good and I still have some loss on nipple sensation on that side. I will ask my dr about the meds that help with milk production too hoepfully that will help. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me. 

Name: missmara | Date: Nov 8th, 2006 4:51 AM
You know, I still have some loss of sensation. Not in the nipple area, but around the sides. Sometimes it feels like there's an itch, but it's a creepy sensation if I try to scratch it. Anyway, I'd love to chat anytime about this. And I'll be sure to let you know if I find out anything interesting from my doctor. If you want to email me it's [email protected] 

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